About dichuchwa
What is dichuchwa?
Bejel is an infectious disease that is rare in the United States but common in certain parts of the world. The infection is very similar to syphilis but is not sexually transmitted. Most frequently, transmission is by means of non-sexual skin contact or by common use of eating and drinking utensils. The organism that causes bejel belongs to the same family as the bacterium that causes syphilis, pinta and yaws and is known as treponema. Treponemas are spiral-shaped bacteria (spirochetes). Also known as endemic syphilis, bejel is characterized by lesions of the skin and bones that begin in the mouth and progress in gradual stages. The late stages are the most severe.
Bejel is very common in dry, hot climates especially in the countries of the eastern Mediterranean region and in Saharan West Africa.
What are the symptoms for dichuchwa?
Blisters on back symptom was found in the dichuchwa condition
Ulcers in and near the mouth due to the infectious organism are called Dichuchwa (Bejel) Disease. It caused the transmission of the organism in a body through infected food utensils.
It occurs during the teenage and adolescent ages like:
- 55% are from 16 years and above.
- 20% involves people of adult ages.
- 25% percent of children of six years and above found till date.
- The skin shows all the signs before the cure is impossible. But ignorance can lead to further depletion of the disease and can go out of hand. So the symptoms should be effectively observed for doctors to understand asap.
- Slimy mouth ulcers in or near the lips are the primary sign.
- These ulcers are more like boils filled with Pus and are painful.
- Blisters (bubbles on the skin filled with serum) appear on the arms, legs, and back.
- They are like the Burning or injury boils on the damaged portion of skin.
- Infections in bones prominently in the leg bones.
- Soft Gummy Lumps on Roof of Mouth or Nasal Passages.
- Swollen glands or lymph nodes.
- Skin Ulcers under Arm or Rectum or Groin.
- Samples of fluid from damaged skin or skin tissue microscopic examination detect and confirm the symptomatic theory.
- Few medicine dosages are the only proven treatment for this disease. Medical attention is an option as a prevention measure.
Patchy ulcers,Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth,Blisters on back, arms and legs
Bone deformities,Skin Ulcers,Bacterial Infections
Penicillin g benzathine systemic (Natural Penicillin),Erythromycin,Tetracycline,Azithromycin
What are the causes for dichuchwa?
A skin problem caused due to bacterial infection and contaminated contact is Dichuchwa. It is an ailment that includes mouth ulcers in and on the surrounding areas of the mouth. They are visible and painful as a sign of disease.
It affects other organs in the manner it does to the mouth and nearby skin. Blisters (boils with serum) around legs, arms, and back. Dichuchwa is also responsible for nasal and bone damage in the mouth.
- The cause of this unpreventable disease is the transmitting organism from eating and drinking utensils.
- It occurs primarily in childhood and spreads through contact.
- It could spread through used or contaminated food, touch, and objects.
- It is spread through the oral mucosa, skin, and skeletal system.
- The disease's spreading spiral-shaped called spirochete.
- It is common in areas that are dry and with hot climates in Mediterranean countries.
- It is also because of the defect in genome sequencing and mapping.
- It is different from other transmitted skin diseases because it cannot be transmitted sexually. Although oral saliva exchange could result in the spread of infections.
Diagnosis and Treatment:
It is diagnosed in the following forms:
- Serologic Testing
- Laboratory Test
- Rapid Plasma Test
- Bacteria presence in skin testing
Following methods can heal the disease, but scars might remain as they are:
- Antimicrobial Drug intrusion
- Other prescribed drugs to the severity
Patchy ulcers,Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth,Blisters on back, arms and legs
Bone deformities,Skin Ulcers,Bacterial Infections
Penicillin g benzathine systemic (Natural Penicillin),Erythromycin,Tetracycline,Azithromycin
What are the treatments for dichuchwa?
Dichuchwa, also known as Bejel, is a non-venereal infection for which the standard treatment is the antimicrobial drug benzathine penicillin G.
Treatment includes:
- Primary and secondary syphilis are easy to treat with a penicillin injection. Penicillin is one of the most widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in treating syphilis.
- Treating Dichuchwa with penicillin is very effective. It is also considered that mass treatment of cases and contacts combined with an improvement in the standards of hygiene could eradicate the disease.
- People who are allergic to penicillin will likely be treated with a different antibiotic, such as doxycycline and ceftriaxone.
- If you have neurosyphilis, you'll get daily doses of penicillin intravenously. This will often require a brief hospital stay. The damage caused by late syphilis can't be reversed. The bacteria can be killed, but treatment will most likely focus on easing pain and discomfort.
- Avoiding sexual contact with other people during treatment is recommended.
- The lesions caused by this disease typically heal after treatment. However, scarring may be permanent.
- The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is a common, short-term side effect of syphilis treatment.
Patchy ulcers,Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth,Blisters on back, arms and legs
Bone deformities,Skin Ulcers,Bacterial Infections
Penicillin g benzathine systemic (Natural Penicillin),Erythromycin,Tetracycline,Azithromycin
What are the risk factors for dichuchwa?
Dichuchwa is a childhood and family disease, usually spread non-venereally.
Risk factors of the disease
- Dichuchwa is usually spread from the parents to children or when there is direct contact of a person with the lesion in an unhygienic condition.
- The early lesions are similar to secondary lesions of sporadic venereal syphilis and are often followed by tertiary lesions affecting mainly the skin, nasopharynx and long bones.
- Primary lesions are rare but may occur under certain epidemiological conditions if the inoculum is sufficiently large; thus, a mother may develop primary sores on the nipples through suckling an infected infant.
- Lesions of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems and congenital syphilis are also rare.
- Superinfection of an already infected and allergic host is probably the chief reason for the frequency of the tertiary lesions.
- Duchuchwa is mainly found in arid countries of the eastern Mediterranean region and in West Africa, where it is known as the Sahel.
- Sahel disease should be distinguished from "Sahel", the geographical band between the Northern Sahara and Southern Sudan.
- Unhygienic and unsanitary regions with several venereal infections.
- Treponema infection endemism
- When both mother and father, or mother alone have that infection, it might be transmitted to the child.
Patchy ulcers,Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth,Blisters on back, arms and legs
Bone deformities,Skin Ulcers,Bacterial Infections
Penicillin g benzathine systemic (Natural Penicillin),Erythromycin,Tetracycline,Azithromycin
Is there a cure/medications for dichuchwa?
Dichuchwa, also known as Bejel, is a childhood and family disease, that usually spreads non-venereally.
Treatment includes:
- Primary and secondary syphilis are easy to treat with a penicillin injection. Penicillin is one of the most widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in treating syphilis.
- Treating Dichuchwa with penicillin is very effective. It is also considered that mass treatment of cases and contacts combined with an improvement in the standards of hygiene could eradicate the disease.
- People who are allergic to penicillin will likely be treated with a different antibiotic, such as doxycycline and ceftriaxone.
- If you have neurosyphilis, you'll get daily doses of penicillin intravenously. This will often require a brief hospital stay. The damage caused by late syphilis can't be reversed. The bacteria can be killed, but treatment will most likely focus on easing pain and discomfort.
- Avoiding sexual contact with other people during treatment is recommended.
- The lesions caused by this disease typically heal after treatment. However, scarring may be permanent.
- The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR) is a common, short-term side effect of syphilis treatment.
Patchy ulcers,Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth,Blisters on back, arms and legs
Bone deformities,Skin Ulcers,Bacterial Infectiond
Penicillin g benzathine systemic (Natural Penicillin),Erythromycin,Tetracycline,Azithromycin
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