About dyshidrotic eczema
What is dyshidrotic eczema?
A type of dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema is much more common among women.
Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as dyshidrosis or pompholyx, is a type of eczema that causes a blistering rash on the hands or feet, especially the fingers, palms, and soles.
The blisters are small and often very itchy.
Dyshidrotic eczema is the third most common dermatitis, or inflammation, of the hands. It's twice as common in women as men.
About half of those who suffer from dyshidrotic eczema also have atopic dermatitis, a common form of eczema.
Dyshidrotic eczema is also a side effect of intravenous immunoglobulin infusions (IVIG), which are typically used to treat certain immune system diseases.
What are the risk factors for dyshidrotic eczema?
Risk factors for dyshidrosis include:
- Stress: Dyshidrosis appears to be more common during times of emotional or physical stress.
- Exposure to certain metals: These include cobalt and nickel — usually in an industrial setting.
- Sensitive skin: People who develop a rash after contact with certain irritants are more likely to experience dyshidrosis.
- Atopic dermatitis: Some people with atopic dermatitis may develop dyshidrotic eczema.
Is there a cure/medications for dyshidrotic eczema?
There is currently no cure for dyshidrotic eczema; however, treatments can help a person manage this condition. Consulting a dermatologist is necessary to proceed with treatments.
Medical treatments for dyshidrotic eczema include:
- Possible treatments could consist of moisturizing cream or lotion to assist in treating dry skin.
- Use steroid cream and calcineurin creams to reduce inflammation and lessen swelling, respectively.
- Antihistamines can help reduce itching.
- Use steroid medications orally (oral), ultraviolet light, and psoralen therapy (PUVA) for more severe symptoms.
- Additional drugs Dupilumab and other targeted biologic injectable medications have been authorized for the treatment of eczema.
- One can reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms with general skin care, such as using warm water rather than hot, using gentle, scent-free cleaners, and ensuring thorough hand drying
- Exposure to ultraviolet light may reduce incidences of dyshidrotic eczema.
Itchy and Tiny blisters on palms and the sides of fingers,Blisters on the toes or soles of feet
Fluid filled blister,Dry skin,Inflammation
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl),Loratadine (Claritin and Alavert)
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