About gianotti crosti syndrome
What is gianotti crosti syndrome?
Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is a rare skin disease affecting children between the ages of nine months and nine years. Major symptoms may include blisters on the skin of the legs, buttocks and arms. The disorder is usually preceded by a viral infection.
What are the symptoms for gianotti crosti syndrome?
Blisters found on the face symptom was found in the gianotti crosti syndrome condition
Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is characterized by Blisters on the skin that may or may not itch. They are usually found on the face, buttocks, arms or legs. The Blisters consist of large, flat-topped, fluid filled sacks. They usually occur along with upper respiratory tract infection. The Blisters usually last from twenty to twenty-five days; they do not usually recur. There may be an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the trunk area of the body. Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome usually occurs after a bout with a viral disease such as: Coxsackievirus, Hepatitis-B, Infectious Mononucleosis or Cytomegalovirus, or after vaccination with a live virus serum.
What are the causes for gianotti crosti syndrome?
The cause of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is thought to be a reaction to a previous viral infection. In many countries the predisposing cause is usually the Hepatitis-B virus. In North America other viruses are more often the predisposing cause. The exact reasons for this cause and effect situation are unknown.
What are the treatments for gianotti crosti syndrome?
Because Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is a self-limiting disorder, the treatment of affected children is primarily symptomatic and supportive. For example, in some cases, the use of topical ointments or certain medications by mouth may be recommended to help alleviate mild to potentially severe itching (pruritus). The skin lesions associated with Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome typically spontaneously resolve within approximately 15 to 60 days. When associated findings include enlargement of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) and/or enlargement of the liver (i.e., in association with liver inflammation [hepatitis]), such findings may persist for several months after initial symptom onset.
What are the risk factors for gianotti crosti syndrome?
Gianotti Crosti Syndrome is a very rare skin disease that mostly affects children between nine months to nine years old. It is also named papular acrodermatitis of childhood. There happen to be rashes with blisters on the skin of the buttocks, legs, arms, face, etc.
Even adults have a risk factor for this disease, and women are more at risk than men. It happens more in the summer and spring seasons.
In some parts of the world, Gianotti Crosti Syndrome may usually occur due to previously underlying infection or viral diseases for example-
- Hepatitis-B
- Coxsackievirus
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Cytomegalovirus
- Vaccinated for poliovirus, hepatitis A, diphtheria, smallpox, pertussis, influenza
- Whereas in North America, other viruses are also considered to be the factor of this syndrome. The actual reason for this is unknown now.
- There appears to be enlargement in the lymph nodes in the trunk area of the body.
- Gianotti crosti syndrome can be with upper respiratory tract infection. Also, swollen abdomen, swollen lymph nodes, Tender lymph nodes appear.
- The lesions appearing on the skin may be filled with fluid with red or pink or brown color bumps, and their size ranges from one to ten millimeters.
- This may also be accompanied by fever or enlarged liver or spleen.
- The appearance of rashes indicates that the patient is not contagious.
Blisters found on the face, buttocks, arms or legs that may or may not itch
Viral infection,Blisters on the skin of the legs, buttocks and arms
Topical ointments,Oral medications
Is there a cure/medications for gianotti crosti syndrome?
In some children, Gianotti Crosti Syndrome may go away on its own. There are no tests needed to be done for diagnosing. The treatment to this is supportive.
- Some viruses lead to Gianotti Crosti Syndrome but Doctors have also not arrived at the point as to why some viruses lead to this disease.
- Doctors may physically examine a child and ask about the number of days the rashes are present. The child’s vaccination track is examined.
- Using topical ointments or certain other medications by mouth helps in gaining relief from the itching that, by time may become mild to severe.
- Oral antihistamines or emollients are also recommended. For itching, cool compresses, lotions like calamine lotion or zinc lotion is advised.
- If Gianotti crosti syndrome is accompanied by fever, then acetaminophen or ibuprofen is suggested.
- Fever reduces the level of fluid in child’s body, so keep your child hydrated; make them drink plenty of fluids.
- This is not contagious, so there arises no need to keep your child aloof.
- Gianotti crosti syndrome is harmless. If this disease worsens and conditions like streptococcal infections arise then, antibiotics are given.
The following tests can also be done unless and until necessary-
- Liver function test i.e., liver enzymes
- Skin biopsy
- Bilirubin level
- Screening for EBV antibodies
- Hepatitis virus serology
- Hepatitis B surface antigen
Blisters found on the face, buttocks, arms or legs that may or may not itch
Viral infection,Blisters on the skin of the legs, buttocks and arms
Topical ointments,Oral medications
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