About pityriasis rosea
What is pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea facts
- Pityriasis rosea begins as a single, large pink patch found on the trunk called the "herald patch."
- The herald patch is followed one to two weeks later with smaller pink patches in a "Christmas tree" configuration.
- Pityriasis rosea is generally asymptomatic except for the appearance.
- Pityriasis rosea is mildly itchy in 50% of cases and clears spontaneously in an average of six to eight weeks.
- Pityriasis rosea is sometimes accompanied by mild, flu-like symptoms and may mimic fungal infection and other conditions.
- Pityriasis rosea has no long-lasting health effects and is not directly contagious.
- Lifelong immunity often occurs after one episode of pityriasis rosea.
What is pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea is a common rash usually seen in individuals between 10-35 years of age. The rash typically lasts six to eight weeks, rarely extending 12 weeks or longer. Once a person has pityriasis rosea, it generally does not recur in their lifetime.
Pityriasis rosea characteristically begins as an asymptomatic single, large pink, scaly patch called the "herald patch" or mother patch, measuring 2-10 centimeters. The herald patch is a dry pink to red patch which appears on the back, chest, or neck and has a well-defined, scaly border.
One to two weeks following the initial appearance of the herald patch, a person will then develop many smaller pink patches across their trunk, arms, and legs. The second stage of pityriasis rosea erupts with a large number of oval spots, ranging in diameter from 0.5 centimeter (size of a pencil eraser) to 1.5 centimeters (size of a peanut). The individual spots form a symmetrical "Christmas tree" pattern on the back with the long axis of the ovals oriented in the "Lines of Blaschko" (invisible skin lines of embryonic origin). This rash is usually limited to the trunk, arms, and legs, rarely occurring on the face and neck. Pityriasis rosea usually spares the face, hands, and feet.
What are the symptoms for pityriasis rosea?
Oval or round discolouration in the face chest and other places of the body symptom was found in the pityriasis rosea condition
Pityriasis rosea typically begins with a large, slightly raised, scaly patch — called the herald patch — on your back, chest or abdomen. Before the herald patch appears, some people experience headache, fatigue, Fever or sore throat.
A few days to a few weeks after the herald patch appears, you may notice smaller scaly spots across your back, chest or abdomen that resemble a pine-tree pattern. The Rash can cause itching, which is occasionally severe.
When to see a doctor
See your doctor if you develop a persistent rash.
What are the causes for pityriasis rosea?
The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unclear. Some evidence indicates the rash may be triggered by a viral infection, particularly by certain strains of the herpes virus. But it's not related to the herpes virus that causes cold sores. Pityriasis rosea isn't believed to be contagious.
What are the treatments for pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea usually requires no treatment and resolve spontaneously. Treatment is not necessary if the rash does not cause significant problems. Typically, pityriasis rosea will usually clear on its own in nine weeks without medical intervention or therapy.
The most common symptom is itching, which can be treated with topical steroid creams (like hydrocortisone cream) and oral antihistamines (like diphenhydramine [Benadryl], loratadine [Claritin], etc.). These will not shorten the duration of the rash but will decrease the itching. Another treatment for itching is UVB light or sunlight. However, exposure to sunlight increases the risk of skin cancer. Generally, the best treatment is to avoid being overheated by reducing exercise and avoiding hot showers and baths.
There has been some evidence of reduced duration of pityriasis rosea with the off-label use of the antibiotic erythromycin or off-label use of antiviral medications such as acyclovir (Zovirax) or famciclovir (Famvir). However, neither of these medications has been proven to be uniformly effective in the treatment of pityriasis rosea and they are not usually necessary or required.
What are the risk factors for pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea is a rash that often begins as an oval spot on the face, chest, abdomen or back. This is called a herald patch and may be up to 4 inches across. The patients suffering from this disease develop smaller spots that sweep out from the middle of the body in a shape that looks like drooping pine-tree branches. The rash can be itchy.
usually, the symptoms and the condition settle down on their own without any medication
Risk factors
- Pityriasis rosea can happen at any age but is most common between the ages of 10 and 35. It tends to go away on its own within 10 weeks.
- There is no ethnic predisposition for this disease, all races and ethnic origins can be affected by this disease.
- Anyone can get pityriasis rosea. However, the risk is quite high in the cases of people who are Between the ages of 10 and 35.
- Women are 50% more likely to develop pityriasis rosea than their male counterparts.
- In some cases, people with pityriasis rosea report that they had significant or long-term stress before developing a rash. high anxiety and depression patients can also be affected by this condition
- Pityriasis rosea doesn’t usually affect people over the age of 60. However, if it does, the symptoms may last for a longer period
Oval or round discolouration in the face chest and other places of the body
Discolored circular or oval-shaped patches appear in groups near the herald patch
Antivirals,Phototherapy,Steroid creams
Is there a cure/medications for pityriasis rosea?
Pityriasis rosea is a common skin condition that causes patches of your skin to develop raised, scaly rashes.
In most cases, pityriasis rosea goes away without any treatment in six to eight weeks.
If the patient has a very itchy rash, the healthcare provider may prescribe the following to help relieve your symptoms:
Antivirals. Antiviral medications help your body fight off harmful viruses.
Phototherapy. Phototherapy uses ultraviolet light, usually ultraviolet B (UVB), from special lamps. The ultraviolet light waves found in sunlight can help certain skin disorders, including pityriasis rosea. UVB can cause permanent dark spots (hyperpigmentation) in darker skin
Prednisone tablets. Prednisone is a corticosteroid taken orally. It relieves inflammation in your skin as well as other parts of your body.
home remedies
There are several over-the-counter products or home remedies that can help stop your rash from itching.
Antihistamines. Antihistamines are a class of drugs commonly used to treat allergy symptoms, including itchy skin.
Calamine lotion. Calamine lotion can relieve itching and discomfort as well as moisturize dry, scaly skin.
Hydrocortisone creams or ointments. Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid combined with an anaesthetic pain reliever.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal can soothe itchiness in the skin in this condition. the patient can use colloidal oatmeal mixed with yoghurt and apply it to the infected places.
Oval or round discolouration in the face chest and other places of the body
Discolored circular or oval-shaped patches appear in groups near the herald patch
Antivirals,Phototherapy,Steroid creams
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