About stretch marks
What is stretch marks?
Stretch mark facts
- The medical name for stretch marks is striae distensae.
- Stretch marks are very common.
- Stretch marks rarely are a sign of a significant medical problem.
- Stretch marks are generally painless.
- Stretch marks commonly develop in obesity and during pregnancy.
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks appear as linear streaks on the skin that has been overstretched, and they run perpendicular to maximum lines of tension in the skin. They begin as flat red lines, and over time they appear as slightly depressed white streaks. They tend to be present near the armpits, on the thighs, abdomen, chest, and groin. Their appearance is similar to changes seen in the surface of rubber balloons that have been overinflated.
What are the symptoms for stretch marks?
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Stretch marks don't all look alike. They vary depending on how long you've had them, what caused them, where they are on your body, and the type of skin you have. Common variations include:
- Indented streaks or lines in the skin
- Pink, red, , blue or purple streaks
- Bright streaks that fade to a lighter color
- Streaks on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks or thighs
- Streaks covering large areas of the body
When to see a doctor
See your doctor if you're concerned about the appearance of your skin or if the stretch marks cover large areas of your body. Your doctor can help determine the cause of the stretch marks and discuss treatment options.
What are the causes for stretch marks?
Stretch marks seem to be caused by a stretching of the skin. Their severity is affected by several factors, including your genetic tendency, degree of stress on the skin and cortisone level. Cortisone — a hormone produced by the adrenal glands — weakens elastic fibers in the skin.
What are the treatments for stretch marks?
There are a wide variety of treatments, but none of them seem to be particularly valuable in preventing or treating this condition. It is generally agreed that there is no good medical evidence that any creams or ointments will produce any sustained improvement in the appearance of stretch marks. The use of physical modalities such as lasers and ultrasound holds some promise, but time will tell if these treatments are effective.
What are the risk factors for stretch marks?
Anyone can develop stretch marks, but some factors increase your likelihood of getting them, including:
- Being female
- Having a personal or family history of stretch marks
- Being pregnant, especially for younger women
- Being overweight or obese
- Rapidly gaining or losing weight
- Using corticosteroid medication
- Undergoing breast enlargement surgery
- Having Cushing's syndrome, Marfan syndrome or certain other genetic disorders
Is there a cure/medications for stretch marks?
Stretch marks, medically known as striae, are seen as long, narrow, rippled marks that develop due to rapid stretching or shrinking of the skin. They can be red, brown, purple, or pink in color. These marks can appear on any body part, but they are most common on stomach, upper arms, breasts, thighs, and lower back.
Over-the-counter treatment
- Retinol and Hyaluronic acid creams: People with stretch marks can go for over-the-counter products like Retinol creams and hyaluronic acid. These creams and serums when applied topically on the stretch marks, have proved to lighten the marks to a great extent.
- Laser skin resurfacing: Dermatologist blasts painless, concentrated, pulsating beams of light on your stretch marks. The laser removes layers of your skin very precisely, which stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers to improve your skins’ contour.
- Dermabrasion: It is a type of surgery that employs a specialized instrument to scrub off your stretch marks. The process smoothens your skin and improves its texture.
- Microneedling: A minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that aims at stimulating collagen production. Dermatologist pricks your skin with tiny sterilized needles and the wounds stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin fibers to revive your skin.
- Chemical peeling method uses an acidic solution that burns off the upper layer of your skin to remove dead and damaged cells and boost new skin growth.
Rippled lines or grooves across the skin,Discoloration (red, pink, purple, blue, , or brown),Itchiness,Irritation
Striae,Striae distensae
Tretinoin (Retinol Cream),Hyaluronic Acid
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