About urticaria, physical
What is urticaria, physical?
Physical urticaria is a condition in which red (erythematous) allergic skin lesions and itching (pruritus) are produced by exposure to heat, cold, or contact with chemicals or plants. These are called wheals by the medical community and may range in size from a couple of millimeters to a couple of centimeters. The center of the lesion may range in color from white to red, and it is usually surrounded by a flare of red skin. The disorder occurs most commonly in children.
What are the symptoms for urticaria, physical?
Sensitivity to cold- eruptions on the skin symptom was found in the urticaria, physical condition
The most common symptoms of physical urticaria are Itching (pruritus) and Hives consisting of red rings around white ridges (wheals). Sensitivity to cold is usually manifested by these eruptions on the skin, itching, and Swelling under the skin (angioedema). These symptoms develop most typically after exposure to cold is terminated and during or after swimming or bathing. Contraction of the muscles around the bronchi (bronchospasm) and even histamine-mediated shock may occur in extreme cases. If this happens during swimming, drowning may present a danger.
Sensitivity to cold can be passively transferred with serum that contains a specific immunoglobulin (IgE) antibody, suggesting an allergic reaction involving a physically altered skin protein as the cause of the allergic reaction. The serum of a few patients with cold-induced symptoms of physical urticaria contains cryoglobulins or cryofibrinogen, these abnormal proteins can also be associated with a serious underlying disorder such as a malignancy, a collagen vascular disease, or chronic infection. Cold may aggravate asthma or vasomotor rhinitis, but cold urticaria is independent of any other known allergic tendencies.
Dermatographia, dermographism, or autographism describes welts or wheels produced by scratching or firmly stroking the skin. According to some dermatologists, dermographism is the most common form of physical urticaria. This sign can appear quite suddenly and may become apparent in hot weather or after a hot shower or bath. Occasionally it is the first sign of an urticarial drug reaction. Physical urticaria has also occurred following persistent vibration of the skin, and even after exposure to water (aquagenic urticaria).
What are the causes for urticaria, physical?
The underlying cause of physical urticaria is unknown in most cases. Some clinicians believe that an auto-immunological process is responsible.
What are the treatments for urticaria, physical?
Protection from and avoidance of the physical cause of the reaction is necessary. Symptoms such as itching and swelling can usually be relieved with an oral antihistamine. The more powerful systematic (intravenous) corticosteroids should be avoided unless they are vital.
What are the risk factors for urticaria, physical?
Physical urticaria is a subtype of urticaria that is caused by an extrinsic physical stimulus rather than occurring naturally. There are 7 subcategories of diseases that are classified as distinct diseases. Physical urticaria is considered to be unpleasant, itchy, and physically repulsive; it can last for months or years.
Physical urticaria has no established aetiology, but it has been proposed that it is an autoimmune condition. It is possible that antibodies created by the immune system to safeguard individuals from alien microorganisms are adhering to body tissue and destroying it.
Physical urticaria could be a sign of an underlying health problem in some circumstances, such as:
- Thyroid disorder
- Hepatitis
- Infection
- Cancer
- Allergies to foods
- Atopy
The following are common risk factors for the development of urticaria:
- Atopy
- Air Pollution
- Gender: female
- several foods
- Medications
- Occupations involving a lot of latex or a lot of skin friction
- family history
- Insect stings and bites
Itching (pruritus),Hives consisting of red rings around white ridges (wheals),Sensitivity to cold- eruptions on the skin, itching, and swelling under the skin,Contraction of the muscles around the bronchi,Asthma or vasomotor rhinitis
Pruritus,Wheals,Angioedema,Hives,Bronchospasm,Aquagenic urticaria
Oral antihistamine,Corticosteroids
Is there a cure/medications for urticaria, physical?
Physical Urticaria is a disorder in which exposure to heat, cold, or contact with chemicals or plants causes red (erythematous) allergic skin sores and itching (pruritus). The medical community refers to these as wheals, and they can be anywhere between a few millimetres and a few centimetres in size.
Cause of Physical Urticaria
- In most situations, the underlying reason for physical urticaria is unknown.
- Some medical professionals think that an auto-immunological process can be the cause of Physical Urticaria.
Diagnosis available for Physical Urticaria
- The methods most commonly used to diagnose physical urticaria are the patient history and physical examination.
- The diagnosis may be verified with a challenge if there is a history of responses to physical triggers.
- The tricky part is applying the alleged agent like ice or light to the skin in the hopes of eliciting a reaction.
Treatment (Standard Therapy) for the Physical Urticaria
- The majority of Physical Urticaria cases respond well to over-the-counter medications that reduce the allergic reaction.
- The physical cause of the reaction must be avoided and protected from.
- In addition to antihistamines, this can also refer to a group of medications known as H2 blockers.
- An oral antihistamine can typically reduce symptoms like itching and swelling.
- Unless absolutely necessary, the more potent systematic (intravenous) corticosteroids should be avoided.
Itching (pruritus),Hives consisting of red rings around white ridges (wheals),Sensitivity to cold- eruptions on the skin, itching, and swelling under the skin,Contraction of the muscles around the bronchi,Asthma or vasomotor rhinitis
Pruritus,Wheals,Angioedema,Hives,Bronchospasm,Aquagenic urticaria
Oral antihistamine,Corticosteroids
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