The following Conditions are related to Abnormal blistering of the skin

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Deciduous skin

    Deciduous skin is defined as the periodic, continuous, or seasonal peeling or shedding of the epidermal skin layer considering a generalized distribution.Deciduous skin is also referred to as the peeling skin syndrome (PSS), which is a rare autosomal recessive form of ichthyosis.This is clinically characterized by asymptomatic, superficial, and spontaneous peeling of the skin.It is also histologic  Read More

  • Familial continuous skin peeling

    Skin peeling syndrome or familial continuous skin peeling happens on its own, is painless, and can last a lifetime while gradually getting better. Like skin peeling after a severe sunburn, affected people and/or their caretakers might frequently manually remove sheets of skin.Applying skin-softening (emollient) ointments to treat peeling skin syndrome, particularly after a bath when the skin is moist, may provide s  Read More