The following Conditions are related to Bumps on the skin
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Eczema
Atopic dermatitis or eczema may last for years. To control it, you might need to try a variety of medications over the course of months or years. Additionally, even after successful therapy, signs and symptoms could come back (flare).Early diagnosis of the illness is crucial in order to begin treatment. Your doctor might advise one or more of the following therapies if routine moisturizing and other self-care pract Read More
- Urticaria, cholinergic
Cholinergic urticaria is a common physical disorder of the immune system that is caused by increasing body temperature after exercise, intake of spicy foods, and mental stress. As a result of this, some small skin eruptions (hives) with well-defined borders and pale centers, surrounded by patches of red skin (wheal-and-flare reaction), appear for a few minutes. Sometimes it may be connected with fever and/or difficulty breathi Read More