The following Conditions are related to Dif

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Cutis laxa

    Symptoms of cutis laxa usually depend upon the exact type of the disorder. The shared symptom is loose, wrinkled skin (elastolysis). Unlike other skin disorders, cutis laxa doesn’t cause easy bruising or scarring. People with cutis laxa also have internal problems, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm. A portion of the aorta enlarges or bulges in people with this condition. Another common symptom is emphysema, in which the lungs don  Read More

  • Cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome

    Symptoms of cutis laxa usually depend upon the exact type of the disorder. The shared symptom is loose, wrinkled skin (elastolysis). Unlike other skin disorders, cutis laxa doesn’t cause easy bruising or scarring. People with cutis laxa also have internal problems, such as abdominal aortic aneurysm. A portion of the aorta enlarges or bulges in people with this condition. Another common symptom is emphysema, in which the lungs don  Read More

  • Doc 6 (harlequin type)

    Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin infants need to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit immediately. Harlequin ichthyosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  Read More

  • Formaldehyde exposure

    Formaldehyde is a chemically active organic compound, found intrinsically in the environment. It has a stifling odor with a colorless gas. Formaldehyde is generally called formalin. In addition, Formaldehyde is Known as a "human carcinogen" it plays an imperative role in causing leukemia, nasopharyngeal cancer and many more. Hence, formaldehyde exposure must be limited.It has prevalent uses in a major are  Read More

  • Harlequin fetus

    Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin infants need to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit immediately. Harlequin ichthyosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  Read More

  • Harley syndrome

    Harley syndrome or Harlequin syndrome is a rare dysautonomic syndrome caused by the unilateral blockade of the T2-T3 fibers carrying sudomotor and vasomotor supply to the face.The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the natural processes of the body, including sweating, skin flushing, and the response of the pupils to any stimuli. The exact cause of the condition is not found yet.The sym  Read More

  • Hematoma

    Usually, hematoma underneath the skin and within soft tissues such as muscles can be treated at home using the following methods:Elastic bandages help to keep swelling at bay.Elevating the affected area to alleviate swellingUsing ice packs multiple times each day for the first 24 to 48 hours to minimize swelling and soreness.Warm compresses after 2 days of ice to aid in the fluid's absorp  Read More

  • Ichthyosis fetalis

    Ichthyosis fetalis is autosomal recessive congenital disorder that affects the outer layers of the skin.This disorder is affected by problems in the ABCA12 named gene; the role of the ABCA12 gene is to protect the skin's outer layer from microorganisms by maintaining the skin's protective barrier. This gene works to transport the keratinocyte transmembrane lipid-protein.A dysfunction in this workin  Read More

  • Ichthyosis harlequin type

    The symptoms of Harlequin ichthyosis change with age and tend to be more severe in infants. In newborns Babies with Harlequin ichthyosis are usually born prematurely. That means they may have a higher risk of other complications as well. The sign people usually first notice is hard, thick scales all over the body, including  Read More

  • Infantile sleep apnea

    Apnea is a term used to describe the temporary absence of spontaneous breathing. Infantile apnea occurs in children under the age of one year. Apnea may occur because of neurological impairment of the respiratory rhythm or obstruction of air flow through the air passages. The symptoms of infantile apnea include the stoppage of breathing during sleep, an abnormal bluish discoloration to the skin (cyanosis) and sometimes an unusually slow heartb  Read More

  • Latex allergy

    Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to specific proteins found in natural rubber latex, which is derived from the rubber tree. When People have a latex allergy, their body misidentifies latex as a potentially hazardous substance.Latex allergy can cause itchy skin, hives, and even anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal illness characterised by throat swelling and significant trouble breathing.The specialist can  Read More

  • Linear sebaceous nevus sequence

    Treatment for linear sebaceous nevus sequence is directed toward the specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual.The doctor may wait unless there are obvious deformities that need to be addressed.Pediatricians, neurologists, dermatologists, and other healthcare professionals may need to plan the treatment systematically and comprehensively.Therapeutic procedures and interventions specif  Read More

  • Ws -- waardenburg syndrome

    Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a group of genetic disorders named after Dutch ophthalmologist and geneticist Petrus Johannes Waardenburg, who described it. This is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder. This rare disease results in the loss of pigmentary cells in the eyes, skin, stria vascularis of the cochlea, and hair.This type of disease may cause features like facial abnormalities like the diminished coloratio  Read More