The following Conditions are related to Erythema
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Cellulitis
Antibiotic therapy, either given orally or through an IV (full course, usually 5 to 10 days), is the first line of treatment for Cellulitis. Within three days of starting an antibiotic, let your health care provider know whether the infection responds to treatment.TreatmentFor non-purulent cellulitis: Oral administration of 500 mg cephalexin every 6 hours for a minimum of five days. 300 to 450 mg of Clindamycin, adminis Read More
- Deciduous skin
Deciduous skin is defined as the periodic, continuous, or seasonal peeling or shedding of the epidermal skin layer considering a generalized distribution.Deciduous skin is also referred to as the peeling skin syndrome (PSS), which is a rare autosomal recessive form of ichthyosis.This is clinically characterized by asymptomatic, superficial, and spontaneous peeling of the skin.It is also histologic Read More
- Doc 10 (sjogren-larsson type)
The sjögren-Larsson syndrome is a condition characterized by dry, scaly skin (ichthyosis); neurological problems; and eye problems. These symptoms are apparent in early childhood and usually do not worsen with age.Risk factors:People with this condition may also have neurological signs and symptoms. Most affected individuals have leukoencephalopathy, which is a change in a type of brain tissue call Read More
- Erythropoietic protoporphyria
Most forms of erythropoietic protoporphyria are inherited.The risk factors of erythropoietic protoporphyria include:Porphyria can occur if you inherit a defective gene from one of your parents (autosomal dominant pattern) or inherit a defective gene from both parents (autosomal recessive pattern).Environmental factors may also trigger the development of signs and symptoms in porphyria.Trig Read More
- Hidrosadenitis suppurativa
The goal of treatment for Hidrosadenitis suppurativa is to prevent the formation of new lesions and to manage the symptoms of pain and suppuration of current lesions.Treatment is a combination of medications, surgery or both.Combined medical and surgical approaches help manage hidradenitis suppurativa.Surgery is an important part of disease management when a tunnel and abscess are present. Read More
- Ichthyosis sjogren larsson syndrome
Ichthyosis Sjogren Larsson syndrome is an autosomal recessive defect in the gene that codes for the enzyme Fatty Aldehyde DeHydrogenase (FALDH).The gene defect leads to a deficiency of the enzyme. FALDH plays the role of oxidative metabolism of long-chain aliphatic aldehydes of fatty acids.Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fatty acids and alters cell membrane integrity skin, eyes, and central nervo Read More
- Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease)
Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease) progresses rapidly and can result in death hence an early diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment is of utmost importance.Early medical treatment is often presumptive; antibiotics should be started as soon as this condition is suspected.Surgical debridement is the standard treatment for necrotizing fasciitis.Aggressive Necrotizing fasciitis should Read More