The following Conditions are related to Est

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Atopic dermatitis

    Atopic dermatitis, commonly called eczema, is a persistent disease; you may need long-standing treatment for these symptoms. The doctor may recommend some home remedies and hygienic practices to sort out the issue.Cure/medications-Topical creams like calcineurin inhibitors such as tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel) affect your immune system. They are used by people older than age 2 to help  Read More

  • Blue rubber bleb nevus

    Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome (BRBNS) is a rare blood vessel (vascular) disorder that affects the skin and internal organs of the body. Multiple distinctive skin lesions are usually characteristic of this disorder and are often present at birth or present during early childhood. Lesions in the gastrointestinal tract frequently become apparent during childhood or early adulthood. The lesions are multifocal venous malformations, resulting from  Read More

  • Cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome

    Cutis laxa is an inherited or acquired disorder of the skin, and connective tissue.The inheritance occurs in an autosomal recessive, dominant, or X-linked fashion.The causative mutations are in the genes for the synthesis of elastin and structural proteins of the extracellular matrix.Particularly, cutis laxa growth deficiency syndrome is characterized by growth and developmental delay and skeletal  Read More

  • Doc 10 (sjogren-larsson type)

    The sjögren-Larsson syndrome is a condition characterized by dry, scaly skin (ichthyosis); neurological problems; and eye problems. These symptoms are apparent in early childhood and usually do not worsen with age.Risk factors:People with this condition may also have neurological signs and symptoms. Most affected individuals have leukoencephalopathy, which is a change in a type of brain tissue call  Read More

  • Dupuytren's contracture

    Dupuytren's contracture is a benign disease whose etiology is similar to that of Peyronie disease, Ledderhose disease, and Garrod disease. It predominantly affects the palmar part of the hands. The disease initiates with nodules along the longitudinal lines of tension.Treatment /managementTreatment options consist conservative management, needle aponeurotomy, collagenase injection, or surgical resection  Read More

  • E-d syndrome

    E-d syndrome is known as Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, EDS, or elastic skin. This is a type of disorder that mainly affects connective tissue. It is basically a genetic disorder.E-d syndrome is a dominant or recessive genetic condition.E-d syndrome occurs when only a single copy of an abnormal gene is inherited from either parent or can be the result of a new mutation (gene change) in the affected individual.  Read More

  • Ehlers danlos syndrome

    Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, EDS, or elastic skin, is a type of disorder that mainly affects connective tissue. It is basically a genetic disorder.E-d syndrome is a dominant or recessive genetic condition.E-d syndrome occurs when only a single copy of an abnormal gene is inherited from either parent or can be the result of a new mutation (gene change) in the affected individual.There are 50% chance of  Read More

  • Erythema nodosum

    Your healthcare practitioner will go over the best course of action for treating erythema nodosum with you based on age, general health, and medical background, size of the problem your tolerance for particular treatments, operations, or medications, expectations for how the illness will progress andyour preference or opinion.Despite being painful, erythema nodosum is typically not a serious condition. In mos  Read More

  • Fabry disease

    Type 1 Classic Phenotype The signs and symptoms of males with the type 1 classic phenotype typically begin in childhood or adolescence (Desnick 2001, Desnick and Brady 2004). Symptoms increase with age primarily due to the progressive glycolipid accumulation in the micro-vascular system, kidney podocytes, and cardiomyocytes leading to kidney insufficiency and failure, heart disease, and/or strokes. Early and progressive clinical sympto  Read More

  • Fraser syndrome

    The diagnosis of Fraser syndrome is made based on physical examination and medical history.There is currently no cure for Fraser syndrome.Treatment of FS may include surgery to correct the physical deformities.Other treatments are is symptomatic and supportive.A team of specialists must evaluate each patient and determine ways to treat the symptoms.However, it should be noted tha  Read More

  • Glycolipid lipidosis

    Type 1 Classic Phenotype The signs and symptoms of males with the type 1 classic phenotype typically begin in childhood or adolescence (Desnick 2001, Desnick and Brady 2004). Symptoms increase with age primarily due to the progressive glycolipid accumulation in the micro-vascular system, kidney podocytes, and cardiomyocytes leading to kidney insufficiency and failure, heart disease, and/or strokes. Early and progressive clinical sympto  Read More

  • Grover's disease

    Grover’s disease can usually be treated using topical medications, but sometimes requires oral medication, injections, or light therapy to treat it.Cortisone cream: Your dermatologist will prescribe you a cortisone cream if you have a small blister or outbreak that doesn’t itch.Tetracycline: If you have larger outbreaks that itch and cover the entire trunk, your dermatologist may prescribe the  Read More

  • Guttate scleroderma, lichen sclerosus type

    Guttate scleroderma is one of the abandoned names of a skin disease, currently called lichen sclerosis (LS). It is a chronic, inflammatory, mucocutaneous disorder of genital and extra-genital skin.The exact etiology has not been established. Some of the causes include autoimmune abnormalities, genetic factors, hormonal influence, and infections.In the early stages, symptoms include luminal hyperkeratosis a  Read More

  • Heat rash

    Several over-the-counter or prescription medications are used to treat heat rash also known as prickly heat, sweat rash, or miliaria rubra.Ointments: Ointments like calamine lotions are recommended to treat the symptoms of heat rash, since calamine lotions have a number of benefits for the skin, partly because it contains zinc oxide. It helps treat heat rash by soothing itchiness. Take some calamine lotion in a cot  Read More

  • Ichthyosis fetalis

    Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin infants need to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit immediately. Harlequin ichthyosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  Read More

  • Ichthyosis harlequin type

    Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin infants need to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit immediately. Harlequin ichthyosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  Read More

  • Ichthyosis sjogren larsson syndrome

    Ichthyosis Sjogren Larsson syndrome is an autosomal recessive defect in the gene that codes for the enzyme Fatty Aldehyde DeHydrogenase (FALDH).The gene defect leads to a deficiency of the enzyme. FALDH plays the role of oxidative metabolism of long-chain aliphatic aldehydes of fatty acids.Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fatty acids and alters cell membrane integrity skin, eyes, and central nervo  Read More

  • Ichthyosis x linked

    Boys with X-linked ichthyosis appear normal at birth. The skin symptoms generally appear within the first year of life. Brownish scales that adhere to the skin are among the first signs of the disorder. The back and legs are most frequently involved early. The face, scalp, palms and soles, and hollows of the elbows and knees are usually spared. In about half of adult males, comma-shaped corneal opacities occur in the eyes (seen on exam  Read More

  • Incontinentia pigmenti

    Specific treatment for incontinentia pigmenti has not yet been described. However, the management of the disease requires a multidisciplinary approach and needs consultation with different specialists from time to time.Lesions appear within a few months from birth but disappear by adolescence. However, the lesions recur and require to be managed.All stage lesions must be kept cool and dry.The patients develop hypo  Read More

  • Infantile sleep apnea

    Medications or treatment for infantile sleep apnea will be decided by the doctor depending on the symptoms and their severity.Infants with sleep apnea can require breathing help from a machine or additional oxygen therapy. They might also require pharmaceutical therapy. These are all typically temporary solutions.Infant sleep apnea typically disappears as the child becomes older and more developed. By 40 w  Read More

  • Keloids

    The following are keloids treatments. One or more ways may be appropriate for your scenario. Keloids can grow back, sometimes larger than before, even after effective flattening or excision. You might also create new ones.Wound healing: Compression dressings composed of elastic cloth or other materials may be used as the first treatment choice for newer keloids. This treatment is frequently used to remove keloids a  Read More

  • Keratosis seborrheic

    Seborrheic keratosis is not harmful and does not require treatment. It can be removed if they irritate you.Seborrheic keratosis can be removed using one or more of the following techniques:Growth is being frozen: Cryotherapy (freezing a growth with liquid nitrogen) can be an effective technique to eradicate seborrheic keratosis. It does not usually work on thicker, elevated growths. This procedure carri  Read More

  • Malignant atrophic papulosis

    Malignant atrophic papulosis is an uncommon vasculopathy that affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. The systemic variant has a rapid clinical course and a high death rate.TreatmentThere is no effective treatment for atrophic papulosis. Anticoagulants and blood perfusion drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, pentoxifylline, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, and heparin have achieved partial regr  Read More

  • Pityriasis rosea

    Pityriasis rosea is a rash that often begins as an oval spot on the face, chest, abdomen or back. This is called a herald patch and may be up to 4 inches across. The patients suffering from this disease develop smaller spots that sweep out from the middle of the body in a shape that looks like drooping pine-tree branches. The rash can be itchy.usually, the symptoms and the condition settle down on their own without any m  Read More

  • Primary anemia

    Pernicious anemia is a rare blood disorder characterized by the inability of the body to properly utilize vitamin B12, which is essential for the development of red blood cells. Most cases result from the lack of the gastric protein known as intrinsic factor, without which vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed. The symptoms of pernicious anemia may include weakness, fatigue, an upset stomach, an abnormally rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), a  Read More

  • Recessive x-linked ichthyosis

    Boys with X-linked ichthyosis appear normal at birth. The skin symptoms generally appear within the first year of life. Brownish scales that adhere to the skin are among the first signs of the disorder. The back and legs are most frequently involved early. The face, scalp, palms and soles, and hollows of the elbows and knees are usually spared. In about half of adult males, comma-shaped corneal opacities occur in the eyes (seen on exam  Read More

  • Rothmund thomson syndrome

    Rothmund-Thompson syndrome is a genetic condition inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.It has been discovered that two-thirds of people with RTS have RECQL4 gene mutation.This gene produces a protein involved in the replication and repair of DNA, the body's genetic material, whose holistic function is yet to be discovered.Since this gene does not show identifiable mutations in around one  Read More

  • Systemic elastorrhexis (obsolete)

    PXE results in a variety of signs and symptoms that vary in their number, type, and severity from person to person. Certain effects of PXE can cause serious medical problems, while others have less impact. Effects may include: skin changes, changes in the retina of the eye that may result in significant loss of central vision, changes in the cardiovascular system that may involve calcification of arteries and decreased blood flow in the arms a  Read More

  • Systemic sclerosis

    The atypical growth of connective tissue caused by an autoimmune disorder is Systemic Sclerosis; the appearance and texture of skin change in this disease.Excess immune response destroys healthy tissue as an autoimmune disease. The immune system in this disease thinks the tissue in a body is an infection.Causes of SS:Systemic Sclerosis is caused due to following reasons:Genetics: Higher inci  Read More

  • Tinea versicolor

    Tinea Versicolor is a very common disorder of fungal infection of the skin.Tinea Versicolor is a generally self-limiting condition, but if the condition doesn’t improve with self-care measures and the fungal infection return frequently or patches cover larger Ares to your body, then one should need the doctor’s advice for treatment.Initial treatments are creams, lotions, or shampoos that you pu  Read More

  • Transient acantholytic dermatosis

    Transient Acantholytic Dermatosis (TAD) is also named Grover's disease. It is a rare transient skin disorder. It appears as small, firm, raised red lesions on the skin of the chest and back. It is a temporary skin disease. The red spots that appear are very itchy.Middle-aged men, i.e. men over 50 years of age are mostly affected by this disorder. How transient acantholytic dermatosis is caused is yet not known.  Read More

  • White-darier disease

    White Darier disease is also named as Keratosis Follicularis.It is a very rare skin disorder and is genetic.It is characterized by lesions on the skin that have thickened, rough bumps i.e., papules that appear greasy, yellow or skin color or brown crust.These lesions may spread and grow over time. This may vary from person to person. This mostly affects scalp, forehead, upper arms, chest, back, kn  Read More