The following Conditions are related to Fever
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Arbovirus a chikungunya type
Chikungunya is a rare viral infection transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. It is characterized by a rash, fever, and severe joint pain (arthralgias) that usually lasts for three to seven days. Because of its effect on the joints, Chikungunya has been classified among the Arthritic Viruses. It primarily occurs in tropical areas of the world. Read More
- Cellulitis
Antibiotic therapy, either given orally or through an IV (full course, usually 5 to 10 days), is the first line of treatment for Cellulitis. Within three days of starting an antibiotic, let your health care provider know whether the infection responds to treatment.TreatmentFor non-purulent cellulitis: Oral administration of 500 mg cephalexin every 6 hours for a minimum of five days. 300 to 450 mg of Clindamycin, adminis Read More
- Chickenpox
Chickenpox infection appears 10 to 21 days after exposure to the virus and usually lasts about five to 10 days. The rash is the telltale indication of chickenpox. Other signs and symptoms, which may appear one to two days before the rash, include: Fever Loss of appetite Headache Tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell (malaise) Once the chickenpox rash appears, it goes throug Read More
- Erythema multiforme bullosum
Erythema Multiforme Bullosum can range from mild to severe. The skin rash caused by erythema multiforme minor is typically caused by a modest disease. Mucous membranes may be severely affected by erythema multiforme major, which can be severe mucous membranes, and usually requires more intensive therapy.Risk factors for erythema multiforme bullosumThese are the risk factors involved to Erythema Multifor Read More
- Erythema multiforme exudativum
Erythema Multiforme Exudativum is a form of reoccurring skin condition usually mild and happens due to viral infection or medicinal reaction.Complications:Though this is a curable disease scars are not the thing to worry about. It heals without leaving marks and with no further problems. But the risk of EME coming back is there as follows:If the disease is from the virus Herpes Simplex.An Read More
- Erythema nodosum
The main symptom is red, painful bumps on the lower part of your legs. Sometimes these bumps can also appear on your thighs, arms, torso, and face. The lumps can be one-half inch up to 4 inches. You may have anywhere from two to 50 of them. Erythema nodosum bumps are painful and they may feel hot. They start out red, and then turn purple, looking like bruises as they heal. They also flatten out while healing. The bumps Read More
- Fabry disease
A parent can pass on the faulty gene that causes Fabry disease to a child.Fabry Disease, Anderson-Fabry disease or lysosomal storage disease is an inherited disorder.Children inherit a mutated galactosidase alpha -GLA gene on the X chromosome from a parent.The GLA gene produces an alpha-GAL enzyme that helps break down fatty substances -sphingolipids.People who inherit a defective GLA Read More
- Glycolipid lipidosis
Glycolipid lipidosis is known as Fabry disease. It is caused by mutation or deficiency in galaactosidase-GLA located in X- Chromosomes and by abnormal accumulations of neutral glycolipids in blood vessel cells.This is a generic disorder that passes through gene mutation from parents, males with X-chromosomes linked by Fabry disease that passes GLA gene to all their Daughters but never to sons.But Females h Read More
- Hereditary spherocytosis (hs)
HS is divided into mild, moderate, and severe forms of the disease. Classification is based on the amounts of hemoglobin, reticulocytes, and bilirubin and the amount of spectrin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood. Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells. Bilirubin is formed in the liver when hemoglobin is broken down. Spectrin is a protein that helps keep the shape of a cell. Decreased hemoglobin and spectrin and Read More
- Human cowpox infection
Human cowpox infection is a relatively uncommon zoonotic skin infection that is mostly found in European nations. Cowpox virus (CPXV) is a member of the Poxvirus family's Orthopoxvirus genus. Contrary to popular belief, most cowpox infections are spread to human beings by domesticated cats and rats. Rodents are cowpox's natural reservoir. Cows, cats, zoo animals, and humans are CPXV's unintentional hosts.Signs and Read More
- Johnson-stevens disease
Johnson –stevens disease is a very rare syndrome with potentially fatal skin reactions in which loss of skin occurs and mucosal membranes accompanied by systemic symptoms is shown in some case. For these conditions, in 80% of cases, the reactions from medications are responsible.This condition requires intensive care or burn care unit in hospitalization,If a person is taking unessential medication Read More
- Launois-bensaude
Launois-Bensaude syndrome is a rare condition consisting of adipose masses symmetrically. It is distributed mainly in the upper part of the body. a condition marked by symmetrical, painless diffuse fat deposits under the skin of the arms, legs, upper trunk, and neck.Though its specific mode of inheritance is unknown, the ailment is believed to be genetic; it could be a mitochondrial DNA disease. This condition usually co Read More
- Lichen urticatus
Lichen Urticatus is the most common childhood skin condition. It is distinguished by itchy and irritating red blotches or hives.It is caused by a hypersensitive allergic reaction to insect bites, drugs, food, plants, and prolonged sun exposure.Hives are characterized by raised red splotches that itch or burn and can range in size from small dots to large patches covering multiple areas of your body at the Read More
- Mucha habermann disease
Mucha Habermann disease is a rare skin disorder, which is a part of a spectrum of disorders called Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acula.Higher patient age, sepsis, systemic and mucosal involvement, and literature data of 119 FUMHD case reports, were four key unfavorable risk variables relating to a death result.Risk factorsThe affected persons develop hypersensitivity to infectious agents Read More
- Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease)
Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease) progresses rapidly and can result in death hence an early diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment is of utmost importance.Early medical treatment is often presumptive; antibiotics should be started as soon as this condition is suspected.Surgical debridement is the standard treatment for necrotizing fasciitis.Aggressive Necrotizing fasciitis should Read More
- Nonthrombocytopenic idiopathic purpura
Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a rare inflammatory disease of the small blood vessels (capillaries) and is usually a self-limited disease. It is the most common form of childhood vascular inflammation (vasculitis) and results in inflammatory changes in the small blood vessels. The symptoms of Henoch-Schonlein purpura usually begin suddenly and may include headache, fever, loss of appetite, cramping abdominal pain, and joint pain. Red or purple sp Read More
- Panniculitis, idiopathic nodular
Idiopathic nodular panniculitis usually begins gradually. Abnormal bumps or masses (nodules) appear in the fatty layer under the skin (subcutaneous fat) of the legs, thighs and buttocks. In some patients, the arms, abdomen, and/or face may be involved. These nodules are usually 1-2 centimeters wide and may be either painful and tender or painless. In some patients, the affected area may become blue and red (erythema), ulcerated (open sore with Read More
- Radiation disease
Radiation disease doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation disease are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Fu Read More
- Radiation illness
Radiation illness doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation illness are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Fu Read More
- Radiation sickness
The treatment goals for radiation sickness are to prevent further radioactive contamination; treat life-threatening injuries, such as from burns and trauma; reduce symptoms; and manage pain. Decontamination Decontamination is the removal of as much external radioactive particles as possible. Removing clothing and shoes eliminates about 90 percent of external contamination. Gently washing with water and soap removes additional Read More
- Radiation syndromes
Radiation syndrome doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation syndrome are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Read More
- Ritter disease
Initial symptoms can include fever (usually low grade), generalized redness, and tenderness of the skin. Onset of symptoms is usually rapid. Some individuals may experience nonspecific symptoms that develop before the skin symptoms including a sore throat and inflammation of the eyelids known as conjunctivitis. Initially the affected skin may have a sandpaper-like feel before becoming red and wrinkled. Areas prone to movement are most Read More
- Rosai-dorfman disease
The symptoms and physical findings associated with Rosai-Dorfman disease vary greatly from one person to another depending upon the extent of the disorder and the specific organ systems affected. Some cases may only affect the lymph nodes and may not cause any serious complications. Less often, some cases may affect various organ systems of the body and may potentially cause serious complications. Any organ system of the body may become affect Read More
- Scalded skin syndrome
Early signs of SSSS usually begin with the hallmark symptoms of an infection: fever irritability fatigue chills weakness lack of appetite conjunctivitis (an inflammation or infection of the clear lining that covers the white portion of the eyeball) You may also notice the appearance of a crusty sore. The sore typically appears in the diaper region or aro Read More
- Smallpox
The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 10 to 14 days after you're infected. During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can't infect others. Following the incubation period, a sudden onset of flu-like signs and symptoms occurs. These include: Fever Overall discomfort Headache Severe fatigue Severe back pain Vomiting, possibly Read More
- Sweet syndrome
Sweet syndrome is a rare skin disorder characterized by fever, inflammation of the joints (arthritis), and the sudden onset of a rash. The rash consists of bluish-red, tender papules that usually occur on the arms, legs, face or neck, most often on one side of the body (asymmetric). In approximately 80 percent of cases, Sweet syndrome occurs by itself for no known reason (idiopathic). In 10 to 20 percent of cases, the disorder is associated wi Read More
- Torular meningitis
The condition known as Torular Meningitis, which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is characterised by inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain or spinal cord. The problem of Torular Meningitis appears gradually. Antibiotics and other medications are typically effective in treating the infection.Cause of the Torular MeningitisA rare complication of Torular Meni Read More
- Vasculitis, cutaneous necrotizing
Because this condition affects your blood vessels, symptoms might occur in various parts of your body. There’s no single set of symptoms that can definitely indicate you have necrotizing vasculitis. You might notice initial symptoms on your own without a medical test. These include: chills fatigue fever weight loss Other early symptoms are only detectable through a bloo Read More
- Weber-christian disease
Weber-Christian disease facts Weber-Christian disease is an uncommon inflammatory condition of the fatty tissues of the body. It's a disease of unknown cause. It most commonly affects the thighs and legs of women. It's difficult to treat and may heal with permanent scars. What is Weber-Christian disease? Weber-Christian disease is an uncommon inflammatory disease of the Read More
- Weil syndrome
Symptoms of Weil syndrome usually start abruptly, with headache, disturbances in consciousness, pain in muscles and abdomen, a stiff neck, lack of appetite (anorexia), chills, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Prostration, coughing, expectoration of blood-stained sputum (hemoptysis), and nosebleed (epistaxis) may also occur. Yellowing of the skin (jaundice), bleeding in muscles, gastrointestinal tract, and visceral organs may be widespread. Small p Read More
- Wells' syndrome
Wells' syndrome, also named eosinophilic cellulitis, is a skin disease that is very rare. There occur rashes on the skin that are so painful that the touch may feel burning, raised, red, or swollen on the skin.The person affected by this skin condition may be because of bites from spiders, fleas, bees, mites, or ticks, i.e., arthropods.But the actual and exact cause is not yet known.The sympto Read More