The following Conditions are related to Forehead sweating
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- Doc 6 (harlequin type)
Harlequin syndrome is a rare disorder of the autonomic nervous system. The blockage results in hemifacial discoloration, sharply demarcated at the midline. It is a self resolutive disease.Treatment/ managementThough Harlequin syndrome may not need treatment, in cases where the individual may feel socially embarrassed, contralateral sympathectomy may be considered.In this treatment, the nerve bu Read More
- Harley syndrome
Harley syndrome or Harlequin syndrome is a rare dysautonomic syndrome caused by the unilateral blockade of the T2-T3 fibers carrying sudomotor and vasomotor supply to the face.The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the natural processes of the body, including sweating, skin flushing, and the response of the pupils to any stimuli. The exact cause of the condition is not found yet.The sym Read More