The following Conditions are related to Gr

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Acanthotic nevus

    Acanthosis nevus syndrome is much more severe than the acanthosis nigricansTreatment course-The treatment of this condition is a combination of cosmetic therapy and surgeries accompanied by the treatment for the underlying cause of the disease. This improves both the appearance and theThe standard therapy for epidermal nevi is surgery or ablative CO2 laser treatment.Topical tretinoin c  Read More

  • Agyria

    Argyria is a rare condition that causes the skin to turn blue or grey. This discolouration happens when the body comes into contact with excessive amounts of silver.There is no defined treatment for this disease. It can be treated by the restriction of the underlying cause.This could be the use of colloidal silver therapy, hydroquinone usage for skin conditions, silver dental fillings etc.When the  Read More

  • Atopic dermatitis

    Atopic dermatitis, commonly called eczema, is a persistent disease; you may need long-standing treatment for these symptoms. The doctor may recommend some home remedies and hygienic practices to sort out the issue.Cure/medications-Topical creams like calcineurin inhibitors such as tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel) affect your immune system. They are used by people older than age 2 to help  Read More

  • Black tongue

    Black tongue, in most cases, resolves by regularly brushing your tongue with a toothbrush.Medications:Your doctor may also prescribe a topical retinoid medication to help increase cell turnover on your tongue.For stubborn elongated papillae, a doctor can remove them using carbon dioxide laser burning or electrodesiccation, which simultaneously cuts and seals the papillae.Cure throu  Read More

  • Bloom syndrome

    Bloom syndrome (BSyn) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by short stature, a sun-sensitive, red rash that occurs primarily over the nose and cheeks; the individual also presents conditions of mild immune deficiency with increased susceptibility to infections.Risk factorsBloom syndrome is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, meaning that it occurs when a person inherits two changed (mutated  Read More

  • Bloom-torre-mackacek syndrome

    The most consistent clinical feature of BSyn, seen throughout all stages of life, is poor growth that affects height, weight and head circumference. This growth deficiency begins before birth, and the affected fetus is typically smaller than normal for gestational age. The average birth weight of affected males is 1760 g (range 900-3189 g) and of affected females, 1754 g (range 700-2892 g). Body proportions are nonetheless normal. The average  Read More

  • Branchiooculofacial syndrome

    Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome (BOFS) is a very rare genetic disorder that is apparent at birth (congenital). As of 2004, only about 50 cases of BOFS had been reported in the medical literature. The symptoms of most BOFS patients include the proliferation of blood vessels (hemangiomatous) in the lower neck or upper chest, low birth weight, retarded growth and some mental retardation. BOFS is characterized by the presence of a pseudocleft of th  Read More

  • Chanarin dorfman disease

    Chanarin - Dorfman disease doesn't have any effective cure still, it can be managed in the following ways:A low-fat diet for the minimum accumulation of fat in the body. Moreover, it is recommended to get a dietician for the feeding process of your child.Having a low-fat diet, enriched with medium-chain triglycerides, ursodiol (a bile acid), and vitamin E, would decrease the liver size and normalize the li  Read More

  • Chediak higashi syndrome

    Symptoms of classic CHS include: brown or light-colored hair with a silvery sheen light colored eyes white or grayish skin tone nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) frequent infections in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes Other symptoms that infants or young children with CHS may experience are: poor vision photoph  Read More

  • Chediak-steinbrinck-higashi syndrome

    Symptoms of classic CHS include: brown or light-colored hair with a silvery sheen light colored eyes white or grayish skin tone nystagmus (involuntary eye movements) frequent infections in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes Other symptoms that infants or young children with CHS may experience are: poor vision photoph  Read More

  • Child naevus

    Congenital or Child Naevus (moles) generally don't cause problems unless they show cancerous signs.Cure/medications include:Your child's doctor will need to check the mole over time to watch for any changes that may signal a future risk of skin cancer.On the other hand, if you worry about the mole's appearance or location, you can talk to your doctor about removal.Discussing with the d  Read More

  • Cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome

    Cutis laxa is an inherited or acquired disorder of the skin, and connective tissue.The inheritance occurs in an autosomal recessive, dominant, or X-linked fashion.The causative mutations are in the genes for the synthesis of elastin and structural proteins of the extracellular matrix.Particularly, cutis laxa growth deficiency syndrome is characterized by growth and developmental delay and skeletal  Read More

  • Darier disease

    Darier disease, also called keratosis follicularis, is a genodermatosis. It is a rare genetic disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.The responsible mutations occur in the gene that encodes the calcium pump, in the endoplasmic reticulum.The keratinocytes in the skin of the affected person lose cohesion among themselves, which leads to the manifestations.The classic features of the dise  Read More

  • De barsy syndrome

    De barsy syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the skin, eyes, skeletomuscular and nervous system.It is so rare that only 27 cases have been reported worldwide. It is a genetic disorder, and the conditions are very similar to those of cutis laxa syndrome.The disease has multiple other names; De Barsy-Moens-Diercks syndrome, corneal clouding-cutis laxa-mental retardation, and progeroid syndrome o  Read More

  • De barsy-moens-diercks syndrome

    De Barsy Moens-Diercks syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the body's connective tissue. It is distinguished by short stature, developmental delays, and lax cutis (saggy skin that lacks elasticity). The syndrome is named after Dr. Georges de Barsy, who described the condition for the first time in 1931. It usually affects men and women equally. The severity and specific symptoms of De Barsy Moens-Diercks syndrome  Read More

  • Doc 10 (sjogren-larsson type)

    The sjögren-Larsson syndrome is a condition characterized by dry, scaly skin (ichthyosis); neurological problems; and eye problems. These symptoms are apparent in early childhood and usually do not worsen with age.Risk factors:People with this condition may also have neurological signs and symptoms. Most affected individuals have leukoencephalopathy, which is a change in a type of brain tissue call  Read More

  • Dorfman chanarin syndrome

    The exceedingly rare genetic ailment Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome (CDS) is characterized by dry, scaly skin at birth, increasing fatty liver disease, and varying degrees of muscle involvement. This syndrome is also accompanied by hearing loss, small stature, vision issues, and slight intellectual handicap.The disease is frequently discovered a few years later in childhood when more symptoms start to appear, even thoug  Read More

  • Dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans

    The treatment of dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans or Darier's disease (DD) is directed toward the specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual. Aside from symptom management and behavioral modifications to avoid triggers, currently, no validated treatments for dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans are available.Symptomatic treatments include:Sunscreen, loose clothing, moisturizing creams and av  Read More

  • Ectodermal dysplasias

    Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (JBS) is an extremely rare genetic disorder that affects multiple organ systems of the body. Many symptoms are present at birth (congenital) or early childhood. The spectrum of potential features and physical findings associated with JBS is wide and varied and can differ dramatically from one person to another. However, characteristic features include insufficient intestinal absorption (malabsorption) of fats and oth  Read More

  • Gangrene

    Damaged tissue from gangrene cannot be saved. However, medication is available to help avoid gangrene from worsening. The sooner you receive therapy, the greater your chances of recovery.Gangrene treatment may comprise one or more of the following: Medication: Antibiotics are administered intravenously or orally to treat bacterial infections. To alleviate discomfort, pain medicines may be admini  Read More

  • Hall-pallister syndrome

    Mutation in gene GL13 causes the disorders in the body from infancy collectively called Hall-Pallister Syndrome.It affects people with uneven development of many body parts of the body like extra fingers, toes, or skin between fingers.Diagnosis:The patient with HPS are infants, and the defects in their palms and toes are the prominent signs of diagnosing the disease. But to rule out the confusion  Read More

  • Hay-wells syndrome

    Hay-wells syndrome, also termed Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome, is a rare autosomal inherited disorder that occurs due to the changes in the TP63 gene.There is no cure for the syndrome. Certain treatment plans are implemented to manage the symptoms and prevent complications in the affected individuals. It includes,Antibiotics – People with this syndrome will b  Read More

  • Heat rash

    Several over-the-counter or prescription medications are used to treat heat rash also known as prickly heat, sweat rash, or miliaria rubra.Ointments: Ointments like calamine lotions are recommended to treat the symptoms of heat rash, since calamine lotions have a number of benefits for the skin, partly because it contains zinc oxide. It helps treat heat rash by soothing itchiness. Take some calamine lotion in a cot  Read More

  • Hematoma

    Usually, hematoma underneath the skin and within soft tissues such as muscles can be treated at home using the following methods:Elastic bandages help to keep swelling at bay.Elevating the affected area to alleviate swellingUsing ice packs multiple times each day for the first 24 to 48 hours to minimize swelling and soreness.Warm compresses after 2 days of ice to aid in the fluid's absorp  Read More

  • Hereditary spherocytosis (hs)

    HS is divided into mild, moderate, and severe forms of the disease. Classification is based on the amounts of hemoglobin, reticulocytes, and bilirubin and the amount of spectrin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood. Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells. Bilirubin is formed in the liver when hemoglobin is broken down. Spectrin is a protein that helps keep the shape of a cell. Decreased hemoglobin and spectrin and  Read More

  • Ichthyosis congenita

    Ichthyosis Congenita is a type of genetic skin disorder that is very rare. It is also known as Harlequin ichthyosis or Keratosis Diffusa Foetalis. It happens to be in 1 person out of 3,00,000 births worldwide.This condition occurs in the child if either of the parents has this. If both the genes are defective, then the chances of birth of a child with ichthyosis congenita are in very severe form.There appe  Read More

  • Ichthyosis sjogren larsson syndrome

    Ichthyosis Sjogren Larsson syndrome is an autosomal recessive defect in the gene that codes for the enzyme Fatty Aldehyde DeHydrogenase (FALDH).The gene defect leads to a deficiency of the enzyme. FALDH plays the role of oxidative metabolism of long-chain aliphatic aldehydes of fatty acids.Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fatty acids and alters cell membrane integrity skin, eyes, and central nervo  Read More

  • Ichthyosis vulgaris

    Ichthyosis Vulgaris is caused by an inherited genetic flaw, a mutation that affects a large protein called filaggrin.The faulty gene is inherited from one's parents and may be caused by one or more mutations in the profillagrin gene that occur early in fetal development.It is autosomal dominant, which means that all that is required for the condition is a single faulty copy of the gene that codes for f  Read More

  • Incontinentia pigmenti

    Specific treatment for incontinentia pigmenti has not yet been described. However, the management of the disease requires a multidisciplinary approach and needs consultation with different specialists from time to time.Lesions appear within a few months from birth but disappear by adolescence. However, the lesions recur and require to be managed.All stage lesions must be kept cool and dry.The patients develop hypo  Read More

  • Intertrigo

    Intertrigo is a rash that typically affects the creases of the skin, areas where the skin brushes together, or areas where the skin is frequently moist. This rubbing can create a breakdown in the skin's top layers, resulting in irritation and a rash.The disintegration of skin facilitates the development of germs or fungus in this location. It may aggravate the rash.Intertrigo is especially common in overwe  Read More

  • Jock itch

    Similar to ringworm, jock itch is a common fungal ailment that is brought on by a fungus. An itching, stinging, burning rash appears on the skin of your groin, inner thighs, and butt crack as a result of a jock itch (gluteal cleft). Another name for jock itch is tinea cruris. Ringworm is also known as tinea, and the Greek word cruris signifies groin.Jock itch might persist for months if you don't address it. Ho  Read More

  • Kabuki make-up syndrome

    Some features of Kabuki syndrome are present at birth (congenital). Other features become apparent as an affected child ages. The specific findings and the severity of those findings can vary from one person to another. A wide variety of findings affecting multiple organ systems of the body can potentially occur. It is important to note that affected individuals may not have all of the features discussed below. Parents of an affected child sho  Read More

  • Keloids

    The following are keloids treatments. One or more ways may be appropriate for your scenario. Keloids can grow back, sometimes larger than before, even after effective flattening or excision. You might also create new ones.Wound healing: Compression dressings composed of elastic cloth or other materials may be used as the first treatment choice for newer keloids. This treatment is frequently used to remove keloids a  Read More

  • Keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome

    Keratitis ichthyosis deafness (KID) syndrome is an unusual, multi-system illness caused by a genetic mutation.KID syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition that is inherited.It is a genetic condition that can be passed down from parent to child in an autosomal dominant manner. That means that each person affected by the disease will have one defective gene and one normal gene.The kid will be aff  Read More

  • Keratolysis

    Pitted keratolysis is a skin illness that develops microscopic holes in your skin's top layer.It primarily affects the soles of your feet, but it can also affect your hands' palms.This condition's little holes or pits usually do not pain or itch, but they might become tender or irritating.They may also experience a burning feeling.These bacteria multiply at infection sites and  Read More

  • Keratosis palmoplantaris with periodontopathia and onychogryposis

    Haim-Munk syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the development of red, scaly thickened patches of skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (palmoplantar hyperkeratosis), frequent pus-producing (pyogenic) skin infections, overgrowth (hypertrophy) of the fingernails and toenails (onychogryposis), and degeneration of the structures that surround and support the teeth (periodontosis). Periodontosis usually results in th  Read More

  • Keratosis seborrheic

    Seborrheic keratosis is not harmful and does not require treatment. It can be removed if they irritate you.Seborrheic keratosis can be removed using one or more of the following techniques:Growth is being frozen: Cryotherapy (freezing a growth with liquid nitrogen) can be an effective technique to eradicate seborrheic keratosis. It does not usually work on thicker, elevated growths. This procedure carri  Read More

  • Lipoma

    Lipoma is usually painless and harmful, but if it is bothering you, or growing further, then it needs to be removed.Lipoma treatments include:Surgical removal: Lipomas are mostly removed through surgery by cutting them out. However, there are chances that they may occur again. Since the surgery may leave a scar or get the area bruised, minimal excision extraction may be performed so that it results in l  Read More

  • Lobo disease

    Lobomycosis or Lobo disease is basically a bump in the skin, firm swellings, or malignant tumors.Infection occurs through traumatic implantation of the fungus into the skin.The symptoms of paracoccidioidomycosis generally occur from several weeks or months to years after the initial exposure to the fungus.The symptoms of Lobo disease vary according to which areas of the body are infected.  Read More

  • Melasma

    Melasma is common, harmless and usually fades after a few months. It does not always require treatment. Melasma is produced by hormonal fluctuations, like those that happen during pregnancy or when using birth control pills, and it will diminish after delivery or when the drugs are stopped.A dermatologist will most likely recommend a high-SPF sunblock to avoid melasma.If melasma does not dissipate naturall  Read More

  • Molluscum contagiosum

    Most persons with a strong immune system will not require treatment for molluscum contagiosum. These pimples normally go away on their own without the need for medical attention.A doctor can administer one of several successful molluscum contagiosum treatments. These are some examples:Cryotherapy: The doctor uses liquid nitrogen to freeze each bump.Curettage: small tools are used by specialists  Read More

  • Morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome

    Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome is in-short, known as MSM syndrome.The exact cause of the disease is yet to be unraveled, and its manifestations are yet to be completely described.The disease was known to cause neurological manifestations.However, endocrinal and metabolic abnormalities have been found to be associated with the disease.The autosomal dominant genetic mutations have been bel  Read More

  • Nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis

    Nodular Nonsuppurative Panniculitis is a rare skin disorder. It is also known as Weber-Christian disease (WCD) or Idiopathic lobular panniculitis.Nodular Nonsuppurative Panniculitis affects men and women of all ages, and mostly it affects adult women. There are fewer chances of nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis affecting children.The nodules are approx 1-2 centimeters large in size. These mostly affect t  Read More

  • Ochronosis

    Ochronosis is a type of condition triggered by malarial drugs, skin-lightening creams, and over-exposure to the sun. These are very difficult conditions for treatment and the results are unpredictable and inconsistent.These are various ways for treatments are as follows:Nonpharmacological measures: Sun protective clothes, goggles, and hats are important. Uses of offending agents must be stopped, and sun  Read More

  • Rapp hodgkin syndrome

    Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome is a rare disease that is caused by a defect in genes. It can cause problems to hair, nails, skin, teeth, and sweat glands. The child may inherit one faulty gene from each parent and resulting in this syndrome.The child with Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome may have opened in the upper lip, skin erosions, fused eyelids, growth problems, hair loss, and other problems associated with appearance. him99999 U  Read More

  • Rautenstrauch-wiedemann syndrome

    Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome (WRS), also known as neonatal progeroid syndrome, is a very rare genetic disorder characterized by an aged appearance at birth (old man look) growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), and deficiency or absence of the layer of fat under the skin (subcutaneous lipoatrophy). It is anticipated that most individuals with WRS have decreased life expectancy. There are few indivi  Read More

  • Recessive x-linked ichthyosis

    Recessive x-linked ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder that results in extremely dry skin. Since it is a genetic disorder it is not curable, but the sign and symptoms can be controlled by the following methods.Skin softening cream and location: This disease is accompanied by fine or rhombus adherents' light gray or dark brown scaling on the skin. It can be treated with softening cream. These creams moisturize  Read More

  • Riley-day syndrome

    A hereditary genetic abnormality known as Riley-Day syndrome affects the neurological system of the human body.Dysautonomia, or injury to the autonomic nervous system, results in abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system, which links the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and produces autonomic dysfunction.The body might lose the ability to detect touch, smell, and pain as a result of certain disorde  Read More

  • Rothmund-thomson syndrome

    Rothmund-thomson syndrome affects various parts of the body such as skin, teeth and hair, eyes, and bones.It is a genetic disorder developed by the mutation of the RECQL-4 gene and inherited through the autosomal recessive pattern( the child carries one affected gene from each parent).The infant affected by this syndrome develops a red, blistering rash on the face that may later spread to arms, legs buttoc  Read More

  • Stretch marks

    Stretch marks, medically known as striae, are seen as long, narrow, rippled marks that develop due to rapid stretching or shrinking of the skin. They can be red, brown, purple, black or pink in color. These marks can appear on any body part, but they are most common on stomach, upper arms, breasts, thighs, and lower back.Over-the-counter treatmentRetinol and Hyaluronic acid creams: People with stretch m  Read More

  • Urod deficiency

    The symptoms of PCT can vary greatly from one individual to another. Skin abnormalities characterize this disorder. Affected individuals are abnormally susceptible to damage of the skin from sunlight (photosensitivity). Extremely fragile skin that can peel or blister on minimal impact is common. Affected individuals may develop blistering skin lesions on areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to the sun such as the hands and face. These  Read More

  • Vitiligo

    Vitiligo has no known cure. The purpose of medical therapy is to achieve a consistent skin tone by restoring colour (repigmentation) or removing the remaining colour (depigmentation).SurgerySkin grafts obtained from the patient: Skin is taken from one portion of the patient and utilised to cover another. Scarring, infection, and inability to repigment are all possible problems. it can also be called mic  Read More

  • Vitiligo capitis

    Vitiligo Capitis is a condition that results in patchy loss of skin pigment. With time, the discoloured spots typically enlarge. Any portion of the body's skin might be impacted by the illness. The tongue and hair can both be impacted by it.Treatment or Cure available for the Vitiligo Capitis conditionThe type of treatment you receive will depend on your age, the location and amount of skin affected  Read More

  • Wells' syndrome

    Wells' syndrome, also named eosinophilic cellulitis, is a skin disease that is very rare. There occur rashes on the skin that are so painful that the touch may feel burning, raised, red, or swollen on the skin.The person affected by this skin condition may be because of bites from spiders, fleas, bees, mites, or ticks, i.e., arthropods.But the actual and exact cause is not yet known.The sympto  Read More

  • White-darier disease

    White Darier disease is also named as Keratosis Follicularis.It is a very rare skin disorder and is genetic.It is characterized by lesions on the skin that have thickened, rough bumps i.e., papules that appear greasy, yellow or skin color or brown crust.These lesions may spread and grow over time. This may vary from person to person. This mostly affects scalp, forehead, upper arms, chest, back, kn  Read More