The following Conditions are related to Hands and feet
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Chilblains
Patients with chilblains are generally prescribed OTC medications purchased at a pharmacy. The condition is treated symptomatically using certain medications.During the diagnostic process, your doctor will diagnose or examine your skin condition.Further tests like skin biopsy may be suggested to rule out other causes for your signs and symptoms.The first line of treatment includes measures to keep Read More
- Fabry disease
A parent can pass on the faulty gene that causes Fabry disease to a child.Fabry Disease, Anderson-Fabry disease or lysosomal storage disease is an inherited disorder.Children inherit a mutated galactosidase alpha -GLA gene on the X chromosome from a parent.The GLA gene produces an alpha-GAL enzyme that helps break down fatty substances -sphingolipids.People who inherit a defective GLA Read More
- Glycolipid lipidosis
Glycolipid lipidosis is known as Fabry disease. It is caused by mutation or deficiency in galaactosidase-GLA located in X- Chromosomes and by abnormal accumulations of neutral glycolipids in blood vessel cells.This is a generic disorder that passes through gene mutation from parents, males with X-chromosomes linked by Fabry disease that passes GLA gene to all their Daughters but never to sons.But Females h Read More
- H. gottron's syndrome
Gottron syndrome is a very rare genetic condition that causes premature aging (progeroid), particularly on the hands and feet where the skin is extraordinarily thin and fragile (distal extremities). These distinctive skin conditions are present from birth, even though the ailment is most frequently identified in early childhood.As a non-progressive condition, Gottron syndrome's symptoms do not often worsen over tim Read More
- Hallopeau-siemens disease
A genetic skin condition called hallopeau-siemens disease or dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa causes blisters to grow. One of the more severe types is the Hallopeau-Siemens syndrome type.Due to the defect's location in the dermis at the dermo-epidermal junction, even little skin trauma results in profuse blister production that always heals with scars.Anchoring fibrils are either absent or inadequate due t Read More
- Harlequin fetus
A defect caused with birth that affects the skin and results in scaly, dry skin over the body is called Harlequin Fetus or Ichthyosis. It happens due to genetic mutations and wrong combinations in an infant’s body from parents.Difficulties in Children and Adults:Although the disease occurs in infancy, it is necessary to prepare for growing a child with this defect. These are the problems that could occu Read More
- Hives, giant
Angioedema or Hives is usually treated by avoiding known triggers to the allergic reaction.The prescription drugs for the treatments of hives and angioedema may include:Antihistamines: It is the standard treatment for hives and angioedema. These medications reduce itching, swelling and other allergy symptoms.Drugs that suppress the immune system: Drugs that can calm an overactive immune system Read More
- Ichthyosis fetalis
Ichthyosis fetalis is autosomal recessive congenital disorder that affects the outer layers of the skin.This disorder is affected by problems in the ABCA12 named gene; the role of the ABCA12 gene is to protect the skin's outer layer from microorganisms by maintaining the skin's protective barrier. This gene works to transport the keratinocyte transmembrane lipid-protein.A dysfunction in this workin Read More
- Ichthyosis harlequin type
A genetic disorder called harlequin ichthyosis is transmitted by autosomal recessive genes.No cure availableYour baby will need lifelong care for their condition once they are released from the NICU. They will need extensive daily care to exfoliate dead skin and keep their skin moisturized.After initial therapy, care becomes a critical component of the equation because there is no cure for Harl Read More
- Non-scarring epidermolysis bullosa
Non-scarring epidermolysis bullosa is a disease that results from mutations in KRT5 or KRT14 gene. These genes provide instructions for making a protein called keratin 5 and 14. There are two major types, and seventeen minor subtypes for this disease, all of which have common effects and symptoms.Among these, the four major subtypes of EBS are here:EBS-loc- in this, blisters are rarely present at birth and ma Read More
- Primary anemia
Primary Anemia treatment depends on the cause and type of anemia.Iron deficiency anemia: Treatment for this form of anemia usually involves taking iron supplements and changing your diet. For some people, this might involve receiving iron through a vein.If the cause of iron deficiency is loss of blood — other than from menstruation — the source of the bleeding must be located and the bleeding s Read More