The following Conditions are related to Irritability

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Ritter disease

    Ritter’s Disease is a type of skin infection caused by a bacteria named Staphylococcus aureus. This infection leads to the production of a toxin that can affect skin all over the body. The majority of the time skin gets damaged and sheds.It is uncommon to have Ritter’s Disease. One individual may contract the Staph bacteria that causes Ritter’s Disease from another (contagious).However, a  Read More

  • Scalded skin syndrome

    Early signs of SSSS usually begin with the hallmark symptoms of an infection: fever irritability fatigue chills weakness lack of appetite conjunctivitis (an inflammation or infection of the clear lining that covers the white portion of the eyeball) You may also notice the appearance of a crusty sore. The sore typically appears in the diaper region or aro  Read More