The following Conditions are related to Plaques
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans
The treatment of dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans or Darier's disease (DD) is directed toward the specific symptoms that are apparent in each individual. Aside from symptom management and behavioral modifications to avoid triggers, currently, no validated treatments for dyskeratosis follicularis vegetans are available.Symptomatic treatments include:Sunscreen, loose clothing, moisturizing creams and av Read More
- Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis
Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis is an extremely rare form of ichthyosis that was first described in South Africa but has subsequently been identified in other countries. In such cases, a link to South Africa has been determined. The disorder is characterized by periodic attacks of red (erythematous) plaques that are distributed equally on both sides of the body. A layer of skin can be peeled from these plaques. Symptoms usually improve with age. T Read More
- Giroux barbeau syndrome
Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia (EKDA) is a hereditary disorder of the skin and nervous system (neurocutaneous syndrome) characterized by groups of hard, red plaques that develop during infancy and childhood. When these skin lesions heal, the disorder seems to become dormant for several years, after which the neurological symptoms and signs emerge in the form of a typically awkward gait (ataxia) when the affected individual is around 40 years Read More
- Granuloma fungoides
Mycosis Fungoides is a rare form of T-cell lymphoma of the skin (cutaneous); the disease is typically slowly progressive and chronic. In individuals with Mycosis Fungoides, the skin becomes infiltrated with plaques and nodules that are composed of lymphocytes. In advanced cases, ulcerated tumors and infiltration of lymph nodes by diseased cells may occur. The disorder may spread to other parts of the body including the gastrointestinal system, Read More
- Ichthyosis erythrokeratolysis hiemalis
Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis is an extremely rare form of ichthyosis that was first described in South Africa but has subsequently been identified in other countries. In such cases, a link to South Africa has been determined. The disorder is characterized by periodic attacks of red (erythematous) plaques that are distributed equally on both sides of the body. A layer of skin can be peeled from these plaques. Symptoms usually improve with age. T Read More
- Keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome
KID syndrome is present at birth. Nearly all cases have skin involvement, which includes red, rough, thickened plaques that are sometimes scaling, as well as sensorineural deafness or severe hearing impairment. Most patients develop eye findings, predominantly keratitis (superficial defects of the cornea), which may result in the eyes being very sensitive to light (photophobia), small blood vessels growing from the iris over the cornea Read More
- Keratolytic winter erythema
Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis is an extremely rare form of ichthyosis that was first described in South Africa but has subsequently been identified in other countries. In such cases, a link to South Africa has been determined. The disorder is characterized by periodic attacks of red (erythematous) plaques that are distributed equally on both sides of the body. A layer of skin can be peeled from these plaques. Symptoms usually improve with age. T Read More
- Keratosis follicularis
Keratosis follicularis, also known as Darier disease, is a rare, genetic skin disorder. Affected individuals develop skin lesions that consist of thickened, rough bumps (papules) or plaques that may also be greasy or have a brown or yellow crust. These hardened, scaly lesions are progressive and may gradually grow bigger or spread. The nails and mucous membranes are also affected in most cases. Individuals may have periods of time when signs i Read More
- Lobo disease
Lobomycosis or Lobo disease is basically a bump in the skin, firm swellings, or malignant tumors.Infection occurs through traumatic implantation of the fungus into the skin.The symptoms of paracoccidioidomycosis generally occur from several weeks or months to years after the initial exposure to the fungus.The symptoms of Lobo disease vary according to which areas of the body are infected. Read More
- Oudtshoorn skin
Erythrokeratolysis hiemalis is an extremely rare form of ichthyosis that was first described in South Africa but has subsequently been identified in other countries. In such cases, a link to South Africa has been determined. The disorder is characterized by periodic attacks of red (erythematous) plaques that are distributed equally on both sides of the body. A layer of skin can be peeled from these plaques. Symptoms usually improve with age. T Read More
- Precancerous dermatosis
Bowen disease is a rare skin disorder. Affected individuals develop a slow-growing, reddish scaly patch or plaque on the skin. Sun exposed areas of the skin are most often affected. Bowen disease only affects the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis). Lesions are usually not painful or may not be associated with any symptoms (asymptomatic). In most cases, treatment is highly successful. Bowen disease is considered a pre-cancerous condition, Read More
- Scalp psoriasis (psoriasis of the scalp)
Scalp psoriasis is a form of plaque psoriasis, which causes silvery-red or purplish scaly patches (known as plaques). Plaque psoriasis is the most common psoriasis type. It can affect any part of the body. Scalp psoriasis may also spread to — and cause plaques to appear on — the: hairline forehead back of the neck back of the ears In addition to plaques, scalp pso Read More