The following Conditions are related to Preterm birth
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- Doc 10 (sjogren-larsson type)
The first sign of Sjögren-Larsson syndrome is often preterm birth. Apparent at birth, the ichthyosis associated with SLS often starts as thickened skin that is yellow-brown in color (hyperkeratosis). This thickened skin eventually progresses to full scaling, especially at the neck, lower abdomen, and underarms, groin, and back of knees (flexures). Unique to SLS is the itchy characteristic of the skin (pruritis). The second feature Read More
- Ichthyosis sjogren larsson syndrome
The first sign of Sjögren-Larsson syndrome is often preterm birth. Apparent at birth, the ichthyosis associated with SLS often starts as thickened skin that is yellow-brown in color (hyperkeratosis). This thickened skin eventually progresses to full scaling, especially at the neck, lower abdomen, and underarms, groin, and back of knees (flexures). Unique to SLS is the itchy characteristic of the skin (pruritis). The second feature Read More