The following Conditions are related to Scarring and hair loss (scarring alopecia)
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- Hallopeau-siemens disease
A genetic skin condition called hallopeau-siemens disease or dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa causes blisters to grow. One of the more severe types is the Hallopeau-Siemens syndrome type.Due to the defect's location in the dermis at the dermo-epidermal junction, even little skin trauma results in profuse blister production that always heals with scars.Anchoring fibrils are either absent or inadequate due t Read More
- Non-scarring epidermolysis bullosa
Non-scarring epidermolysis bullosa is a disease that results from mutations in KRT5 or KRT14 gene. These genes provide instructions for making a protein called keratin 5 and 14. There are two major types, and seventeen minor subtypes for this disease, all of which have common effects and symptoms.Among these, the four major subtypes of EBS are here:EBS-loc- in this, blisters are rarely present at birth and ma Read More