The following Conditions are related to Sue

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  • E-d syndrome

    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of hereditary connective tissue disorders characterized by defects of the major structural protein in the body (collagen). Collagen, a tough, fibrous protein, plays an essential role in holding together, strengthening, and providing elasticity to bodily cells and tissues. Due to defects of collagen, primary EDS symptoms and findings include abnormally flexible, loose joints (articular hypermobility) that  Read More

  • Ehlers danlos syndrome

    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a group of hereditary connective tissue disorders characterized by defects of the major structural protein in the body (collagen). Collagen, a tough, fibrous protein, plays an essential role in holding together, strengthening, and providing elasticity to bodily cells and tissues. Due to defects of collagen, primary EDS symptoms and findings include abnormally flexible, loose joints (articular hypermobility) that  Read More

  • Epiloia

    Cells that have Epiloia cease dividing when they ought to. This means that many parts of your body can develop tumours. While they are not cancerous, the areas where they are growing may experience issues. There are Treatments available that can reduce the tumours and increase your comfort.Cure or medications for EpiloiaIn case of seizures, anti-seizure medications may be prescribed. Other medications m  Read More

  • Formaldehyde poisoning

    Irritation felt due to breathing or exposure to a chemical called formaldehyde results in Formaldehyde Poisoning.Burning sensation and redness in the eye, stomach, food pipe, skin, and other body parts are the impacts of Formaldehyde Poisoning.Incidence:It can happen to both genders with no age bar set. Anyone with ample exposure to this chemical can get affected. People working at chemical plants  Read More

  • Infantile myofibromatosis (im)

    Each patient's unique symptoms are targeted in the treatment of Infantile Myofibromatosis (IM).Surgery is the primary treatment for people with infantile myofibromatosis, and it is carried either to lessen the risk of complications or increase prognosis.The coordinated efforts of a group of professionals may be necessary throughout treatment.To arrange a child's treatment, pediatricians, o  Read More

  • Romberg syndrome

    The symptoms, progression and severity of Parry-Romberg syndrome are highly variable from one person to another and range from mild to severe. It is important to note that affected individuals will not have all the symptoms discussed below. It seems likely that individuals with milder symptoms are much more common than severely affected individuals. Affected individuals should talk to their physician and medical team about their specific case  Read More

  • Systemic elastorrhexis (obsolete)

    A genetic condition with elasticity in skin tissue due to which it gets loose and hang like the aged person’s skin. This condition is Systemic Elastorrhexis (obsolete).It is a type of Connective Tissue Disease. It primarily affects eyes with bluish and greyish whites of eyes, Thinning of skin and Breathing (Lungs), and Cardiac issues (heart).Risk factors:Systemic Elastorrhexis is an autosomal rece  Read More

  • Systemic sclerosis

    The atypical growth of connective tissue caused by an autoimmune disorder is Systemic Sclerosis; the appearance and texture of skin change in this disease.Excess immune response destroys healthy tissue as an autoimmune disease. The immune system in this disease thinks the tissue in a body is an infection.Causes of SS:Systemic Sclerosis is caused due to following reasons:Genetics: Higher inci  Read More

  • Vitiligo

    Vitiligo has no known cure. The purpose of medical therapy is to achieve a consistent skin tone by restoring colour (repigmentation) or removing the remaining colour (depigmentation).SurgerySkin grafts obtained from the patient: Skin is taken from one portion of the patient and utilised to cover another. Scarring, infection, and inability to repigment are all possible problems. it can also be called mic  Read More

  • Vitiligo capitis

    Vitiligo Capitis is a condition that results in patchy loss of skin pigment. With time, the discoloured spots typically enlarge. Any portion of the body's skin might be impacted by the illness. The tongue and hair can both be impacted by it.Treatment or Cure available for the Vitiligo Capitis conditionThe type of treatment you receive will depend on your age, the location and amount of skin affected  Read More