The following Conditions are related to Upper arms

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Guttate scleroderma, lichen sclerosus type

    Guttate scleroderma is one of the abandoned names of a skin disease, currently called lichen sclerosis (LS). It is a chronic, inflammatory, mucocutaneous disorder of genital and extra-genital skin.The exact etiology has not been established. Some of the causes include autoimmune abnormalities, genetic factors, hormonal influence, and infections.In the early stages, symptoms include luminal hyperkeratosis a  Read More

  • Melasma

    Melasma is common, harmless and usually fades after a few months. It does not always require treatment. Melasma is produced by hormonal fluctuations, like those that happen during pregnancy or when using birth control pills, and it will diminish after delivery or when the drugs are stopped.A dermatologist will most likely recommend a high-SPF sunblock to avoid melasma.If melasma does not dissipate naturall  Read More

  • Tinea versicolor

    Tinea Versicolor is a very common disorder of fungal infection of the skin.Tinea Versicolor is a generally self-limiting condition, but if the condition doesn’t improve with self-care measures and the fungal infection return frequently or patches cover larger Ares to your body, then one should need the doctor’s advice for treatment.Initial treatments are creams, lotions, or shampoos that you pu  Read More

  • White-darier disease

    White Darier disease is also named as Keratosis Follicularis.It is a very rare skin disorder and is genetic.It is characterized by lesions on the skin that have thickened, rough bumps i.e., papules that appear greasy, yellow or skin color or brown crust.These lesions may spread and grow over time. This may vary from person to person. This mostly affects scalp, forehead, upper arms, chest, back, kn  Read More