About skin tag

What is skin tag?

Skin tag facts

  • Skin tags are very common but harmless small, soft skin growths.
  • Skin tags tend to occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts.
  • One person may have anywhere from one to over 100 skin tags.
  • Almost everyone will develop a skin tag at some point in their life.
  • Middle-aged, obese adults are most prone to skin tags.
  • Obesity is associated with skin tags.
  • Removing a skin tag does not cause more to grow.
  • Some people are just more prone to forming skin tags.
  • Treatments include freezing, tying off with a thread or suture, or cutting off the skin tag.

What are the symptoms for skin tag?

Dolor symptom was found in the skin tag condition

  • A skin tag is a small, soft, flesh-colored benign skin growth, often on a stalk.

What are the causes for skin tag?

The precise cause of skin tags is unknown. Skin tags become more common with age and occur more frequently in people with a family history of skin tags. People with metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes are also more likely to develop skin tags.

What are the treatments for skin tag?

There is no evidence that removing a skin tag will cause more tags to grow. There is no expectation of causing skin tags to "seed" or spread by removing them. In reality, some people are simply more prone to developing skin tags and may have new growths periodically. Some individuals request periodic removal of tags at annual or even quarterly intervals.

What are the risk factors for skin tag?

More than half if not all of the general population has been reported to have skin tags at some time in their lives. Although tags are generally acquired (not present at birth) and may occur in anyone, more often they arise in adulthood. They are much more common in middle age, and they tend to increase in prevalence up to age 60. Children and toddlers may also develop skin tags, particularly in the underarm and neck areas. Skin tags are more common in overweight people.

Hormone elevations, such as those seen during pregnancy, may cause an increase in the formation of skin tags, as skin tags are more frequent in pregnant women. Tags are essentially harmless and do not have to be treated unless they are bothersome. Skin tags that are bothersome may be easily removed during or after pregnancy, typically by a dermatologist.

Although skin tags are generally not associated with any other diseases, there seems to be a group of obese individuals who, along with many skin tags, develop a condition called acanthosis nigricans on the skin of their neck and armpits and are predisposed to have high blood fats and sugar.

Certain structures resemble skin tags but are not. Accessory tragus and an accessory digit occasionally can be confused with skin tags. Pathological examination with a biopsy of the tissue will help distinguish skin tags if there is any question as to the diagnosis.

Is there a cure/medications for skin tag?

Skin tags are a skin growth in which a short soft skin hangs out of the body. These skin tags are painless and harmless and may grow on various sections of the body such as the eyelids, neck, chest, back, and stomach. The outer layer of skin tags might be irregular or smooth in appearance. They are frequently raised from the outer layer of the skin. They are typically skin shaded or brownish in color.

  • Skin tags are not dangerous and can be removed for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons. Moreover, it is curable through the following methods.
  • Electrocauterization: it is a procedure of burning a small section of unwanted outer skin called skin tags. Following the treatment, patients can return to their daily routine since no recovery time is needed. However, former cauterization requires a recovery period and is slightly more painful than Electrocauteration.
  • Surgical removal: it is a slightly lengthy medical procedure than electrocauterization. It is a traditional method of removing unwanted skin of the patient under the influence of anesthesia. However, the patient needs to take rest in order to recover.
  • Cryosurgery: is a medical procedure that includes the use of intense cold produced by liquid nitrogen or argon gas to destroy abnormal tissues. This procedure involves super freezing of the tissue in order to destroy it.

Soft and tiny bulged skin on the surface of the body which is painless and skin brownish or skin-colored
The body produces the extra cell in the skin's top layer

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