The following Conditions are related to Headache
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- Chickenpox
Chickenpox infection appears 10 to 21 days after exposure to the virus and usually lasts about five to 10 days. The rash is the telltale indication of chickenpox. Other signs and symptoms, which may appear one to two days before the rash, include: Fever Loss of appetite Headache Tiredness and a general feeling of being unwell (malaise) Once the chickenpox rash appears, it goes throug Read More
- Doc 6 (harlequin type)
Harlequin syndrome is a rare disorder of the autonomic nervous system. The blockage results in hemifacial discoloration, sharply demarcated at the midline. It is a self resolutive disease.Treatment/ managementThough Harlequin syndrome may not need treatment, in cases where the individual may feel socially embarrassed, contralateral sympathectomy may be considered.In this treatment, the nerve bu Read More
- Fabry disease
Type 1 Classic Phenotype The signs and symptoms of males with the type 1 classic phenotype typically begin in childhood or adolescence (Desnick 2001, Desnick and Brady 2004). Symptoms increase with age primarily due to the progressive glycolipid accumulation in the micro-vascular system, kidney podocytes, and cardiomyocytes leading to kidney insufficiency and failure, heart disease, and/or strokes. Early and progressive clinical sympto Read More
- Formaldehyde exposure
Formaldehyde Poisoning is a disorder brought about by breathing the fumes of formaldehyde. This can occur while working directly with formaldehyde, or using equipment cleaned with formaldehyde. Major symptoms may include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; and/or skin rashes. Read More
- Formaldehyde poisoning
Formaldehyde Poisoning is a disorder brought about by breathing the fumes of formaldehyde. This can occur while working directly with formaldehyde, or using equipment cleaned with formaldehyde. Major symptoms may include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; and/or skin rashes. Read More
- Glycolipid lipidosis
Type 1 Classic Phenotype The signs and symptoms of males with the type 1 classic phenotype typically begin in childhood or adolescence (Desnick 2001, Desnick and Brady 2004). Symptoms increase with age primarily due to the progressive glycolipid accumulation in the micro-vascular system, kidney podocytes, and cardiomyocytes leading to kidney insufficiency and failure, heart disease, and/or strokes. Early and progressive clinical sympto Read More
- Harley syndrome
Harley syndrome or Harlequin syndrome is a rare dysautonomic syndrome caused by the unilateral blockade of the T2-T3 fibers carrying sudomotor and vasomotor supply to the face.The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the natural processes of the body, including sweating, skin flushing, and the response of the pupils to any stimuli. The exact cause of the condition is not found yet.The sym Read More
- Hematoma
Usually, hematoma underneath the skin and within soft tissues such as muscles can be treated at home using the following methods:Elastic bandages help to keep swelling at bay.Elevating the affected area to alleviate swellingUsing ice packs multiple times each day for the first 24 to 48 hours to minimize swelling and soreness.Warm compresses after 2 days of ice to aid in the fluid's absorp Read More
- Hereditary spherocytosis (hs)
Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS) is a red blood cell disorder caused by a genetic mutation. Though there is no cure for this disorder, there are certain treatment options available depending on the severity of the condition.The treatments for Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS) are as follows:To slow the breakdown of red blood cells, a total or partial Splenectomy (surgical removal of the spleen) is recommended based Read More
- Malignant atrophic papulosis
Malignant atrophic papulosis is an uncommon vasculopathy that affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. The systemic variant has a rapid clinical course and a high death rate.TreatmentThere is no effective treatment for atrophic papulosis. Anticoagulants and blood perfusion drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, pentoxifylline, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, and heparin have achieved partial regr Read More
- Morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome
Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome is in-short, known as MSM syndrome.The exact cause of the disease is yet to be unraveled, and its manifestations are yet to be completely described.The disease was known to cause neurological manifestations.However, endocrinal and metabolic abnormalities have been found to be associated with the disease.The autosomal dominant genetic mutations have been bel Read More
- Morvan disease -- syringomyelia
Your doctor would probably advise surgery if the symptoms of Morvan disease, syringomyelia are interfering with your life or if they are rapidly getting worse.Surgery aims to relieve the pressure the syrinx puts on your spinal cord and return the cerebrospinal fluid to its regular flow. Your symptoms and nervous system performance may improve as a result of this. The etiology of your syringomyelia will determine th Read More
- Mucha habermann disease
Mucha Habermann disease is a rare skin disorder, which is a part of a spectrum of disorders called Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acula.Higher patient age, sepsis, systemic and mucosal involvement, and literature data of 119 FUMHD case reports, were four key unfavorable risk variables relating to a death result.Risk factorsThe affected persons develop hypersensitivity to infectious agents Read More
- Nonthrombocytopenic idiopathic purpura
Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a rare inflammatory disease of the small blood vessels (capillaries) and is usually a self-limited disease. It is the most common form of childhood vascular inflammation (vasculitis) and results in inflammatory changes in the small blood vessels. The symptoms of Henoch-Schonlein purpura usually begin suddenly and may include headache, fever, loss of appetite, cramping abdominal pain, and joint pain. Red or purple sp Read More
- Primary anemia
Primary Anemia treatment depends on the cause and type of anemia.Iron deficiency anemia: Treatment for this form of anemia usually involves taking iron supplements and changing your diet. For some people, this might involve receiving iron through a vein.If the cause of iron deficiency is loss of blood — other than from menstruation — the source of the bleeding must be located and the bleeding s Read More
- Radiation disease
Radiation disease doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation disease are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Fu Read More
- Radiation illness
Radiation illness doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation illness are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Fu Read More
- Radiation sickness
The treatment goals for radiation sickness are to prevent further radioactive contamination; treat life-threatening injuries, such as from burns and trauma; reduce symptoms; and manage pain. Decontamination Decontamination is the removal of as much external radioactive particles as possible. Removing clothing and shoes eliminates about 90 percent of external contamination. Gently washing with water and soap removes additional Read More
- Radiation syndromes
Radiation syndrome doesn’t have any cure, but a few medications and therapy can extract some radiation from the body. People who are exposed to radiation should seek medical attention as soon as possible.The treatments for Radiation syndrome are as follows:DTPA (diethylenetriamine penaacetic acid): It binds to the radioactive elements present in the body, such as americium, plutonium, and curium. Read More
- Smallpox
The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 10 to 14 days after you're infected. During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can't infect others. Following the incubation period, a sudden onset of flu-like signs and symptoms occurs. These include: Fever Overall discomfort Headache Severe fatigue Severe back pain Vomiting, possibly Read More
- Torular meningitis
The condition known as Torular Meningitis, which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is characterised by inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain or spinal cord. The problem of Torular Meningitis appears gradually. Antibiotics and other medications are typically effective in treating the infection.Cause of the Torular MeningitisA rare complication of Torular Meni Read More
- Urticaria, perstans hemorrhagica
Perstans hemorrhagica urticaria or Urticaria pigmentosa is a rash that most commonly affects children and young adults.It consists of reddish-brown lesions that, when rubbed, might cause hives or blisters.Darier's sign refers to this reaction.Mastocytosis is a kind of urticaria pigmentosa.Mast cells, which are part of your immune system, accumulate during this time. Mastocytosis can a Read More
- Weil syndrome
Symptoms of Weil syndrome usually start abruptly, with headache, disturbances in consciousness, pain in muscles and abdomen, a stiff neck, lack of appetite (anorexia), chills, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Prostration, coughing, expectoration of blood-stained sputum (hemoptysis), and nosebleed (epistaxis) may also occur. Yellowing of the skin (jaundice), bleeding in muscles, gastrointestinal tract, and visceral organs may be widespread. Small p Read More